Sermon Series
  • 1. Jesus Was Crucified

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2017

    Jesus spoke seven words from the Cross. he is the Lord of Righteousness and Holiness but he was forsaken by God. Why? the answer is found here.

    Mathew 27:46 “My Lord My Lord why you have forsaken me” LORD NEVER FORSAKES Ps. 27:40 For my father and my mother have forsaken me, But the LORD will take me up. Ps. 37:25 I have been young and now I am old, Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken Or his descendants begging more

  • 2. Last Words Of Jesus

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    Is Crucifixion forced punishment or voluntary act of Christ? What would have had happened, if Judas had not betrayed him, if Pilate did not sentence him to death?

    GOOD FRIDAY Last Seven Words of Jesus Christ on the Cross I. Tradition of Beginnings of Good Friday The Good Friday is also known as Great Friday, holy Friday some call it as black Friday. 4th c witnessed first Good Friday. they used to have a procession from Gethsemane to the city on Thursday more

  • 3. Good Friday Introduction

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2020

    On Maundy Thursday night, Jesus was struggling with his beloved trainees, disciples and followers to make them understand their purpose of life on earth; and the importance of Advent of Jesus Christ to this world. But disciples not upto the mark.

    Good Friday Hebrews 6:4-6 “Events Leading to Crucifixion of Christ in Personal Life” Introduction: God is Good and His love endures forever. Today is Good Friday. Next 2-3 hours going to be a great time for us to sit at the feet of God, and be listening to the Meditation on the seven words of more

  • 4. Shadows Of Cross

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2023

    There are many shadows of the Cross in the Old Testament. It is appropriate to meditate on this day. May the Lord bless you. I will boast only about the CROSS of JESUS CHRIST (Galatians 6:14).

    Good Friday Meditations Theme: Shadows of Cross in Old Testament Text: Leviticus 16:20-22 Good Friday service: It is only a commemorative service and not exactly observation of the exact time of the Crucifixion. If some are more concerned about on the Exact Time of the occurrence, then the whole more

  • 5. Forced Cross

    Contributed on Oct 8, 2023

    The call to serve God becomes a forced cross when the going gets tough. We love smooth running of life. But through challenges we meet God’s power and miracle working hand. Let’s keep fighting for God with his help.

    Compelled to bear his cross: Matthew 27:32. “And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.” Cyrene was a city of Libya, in north Africa, lying west of Egypt. Cyrene had a large Jewish population, and Simon was very likely in Jerusalem for more

  • 6. Seven Words Of Jesus

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2024

    The cross reminds us the cruelty of humanity to Godly person, God himself. Seven words of Jesus Christ on the cross reminds the present world scenario. With the help of God, we can forgive. Keep meditating God’s word will strengthen your spirit.

    THE SEVENFOLD MINISTRIES OF THE CROSS Introduction: We traditionally meditate the seven last words of Jesus from the cross on every Good Friday.  This Friday is not the dark day of the history of humanity but the day of redemption, day of victory, day of hope to the lost humanity. It is an more