Sermon Series
  • 1. Who Is God?

    Contributed on May 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Just who is this "God" we proclaim to the world? What has He done to garner our attention? Today we look at 3 specific actions of God that demand not only our attention but our devotion!

    Sermon Brief Date Written: May 21, 2010 Date Preached: May 16, 2010 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: Great Doctrines of the Faith! Sermon Title: Who is God! Sermon Text: Exodus 3:14 (ESV) 13 Then Moses said to God, "If I come to the people of more

  • 2. What Is Salvation?

    Contributed on May 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    What does it mean to be saved? How does this happen? Jesus speaks candidly about it in John 3 to a religious leader seeking truth.

    Sermon Brief Date Written: May 18, 2010 Date Preached: May 23, 2010 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Series Title: Great Questions of Our Faith Sermon Title: What is Salvation? Sermon Text: John 3:14-17 [ESV] 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the more

  • 3. Can I Trust The Bible?

    Contributed on Jun 7, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    So many people today don't want to place their faith in the Bible saying it is an outdated and irrelevant book... I beg to differ!

    Sermon Brief Date Written: June 1, 2010 Date Preached: June 6, 2010 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Series Title: Great Questions of Our Faith Sermon Title: Can I Trust the Bible? Sermon Text: 2 Tim 3:16-17 [ESV] 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and more

  • 4. Does God Speak?

    Contributed on Jun 7, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    People will look at you so funny these days if you say that God is speaking to you. Many believe it is NOT really happening and they refuse to believe! Does God speak? Yes He does!

    Sermon Brief Date Written: May 25, 2010 Date Preached: May 30, 2010 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Series Title: Great Questions of Our Faith Sermon Title: Does God Speak? Sermon Text: 1 Cor 2:10-13 [ESV] 10 these things God has revealed to us through the more