Sermon Series
  • 1. Meet An Arminian

    Contributed on Nov 4, 2015

    Introduction to message about the doctrines commonly known as "Calvinism", and the delightful surprises I found when studying them.

    Meet an Arminian. Not by choice or even knowledge, mind you, but an Arminian nonetheless. So what's an Arminian anyway? A follower, whether or not he knows it, of Jacob Arminius, late 16th century theologian. The doctrines then being preached by John Calvin and most other reformers that more

  • 2. Election In The Pentateuch

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2015

    The doctrines of election are all over the Scriptures. Here is a look at the main verses in the Pentateuch.

    ELECTION, in the PENTATEUCH Genesis From the beginning, God had a plan. His heart was not to have a people who would reject Him. But He willed to let them do that anyway. Then in His mercy He called out a people for Himself. A remnant. The elect. Otherwise, all would be lost. Why these and no more

  • 3. Election In The History Books Of The Bible

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2015

    All over the Bible God talks about His Sovereignty. Here are the incidents in the books of History, from Joshua through Esther. God does what He wills!

    Joshua When God sets His love, that is one thing. But when God sets His judgment, it is quite the other, but no less definite. The summarizing of Joshua's conquests is in the book by that name, chapter 11, verses 18-20. First, there was a long war. Next, virtually no city was exempt from the more

  • 4. Election In The "Poetry" Books Of The Bible

    Contributed on Nov 12, 2015

    What God said about His sovereignty via David, the other Psalmists, Job, and Solomon.

    Job At the end of the debate of the book of Job, it is God versus Job in a predictable win for the Lord God Almighty. In 40:8-14, God asks, "Would you condemn Me that you may be justified? There are echoes of this sentiment in Paul's words about replying against God, in Romans. The doctrines more

  • 5. Election In The Prophetic Books Of The Bible

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2015

    Prophecy is brim full of the election message. See for yourself.

    Isaiah Isaiah is brim-full of the message we seek. Chapter one deals with Israel and the heaping of judgments on her. Yet hidden beneath the surface is the promise of God that Israel must in the end be saved, for though the country is desolate, the cities are burned, strangers devour the land, more

  • 6. Election In The Gospels And Acts

    Contributed on Nov 16, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    There is no question that Jesus taught on the foreknowledge and election of the Father. We trace this teaching now throughout the history books of the New Testament.

    Matthew Fittingly in the New Testament, our first encounter with God's sovereignty is in regards to Jesus Himself. 1:21 gives us the words of the angel that His name will be Jesus. A small point, you say. Yet, here God intervenes in the process of childbirth and imposes His own will on a more

  • 7. Election In The Epistles And Revelation

    Contributed on Nov 17, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    There is no question about the teachings of Paul the apostle in regard to election. Peter, John and the rest are all in agreement. He does what He wills!

    Romans Romans is the heartland of Sovereignty teaching. Here are the Bible's most troubling verses on the subject, at least for those who are still in the other camp. Many have heard these verses. Most have come up with an interpretation that allows them to move on un-touched. But I suggest more