Sermon Series
  • 1. I Am The Good Shepherd

    Contributed on Apr 12, 2006
    based on 46 ratings

    In John 10 Jesus describes himself as the "good Shepherd" and this sermon explores what our proper response to the good Shepherd should be: 1. Follow me (vs.1-5) 2. Enter through me (vs.6-10) 3. Trust me (vs.11-12) 4. Listen to me (vs.14-16,27-30)

    I AM series #3 Castle Hills Christian Ch. 07-04-04 I AM the Good Shepherd John 10 INTRODUCTION: This summer we’ve been looking at the “I AM” statements of Jesus. Jesus said “I am the bread of life” in John chapter 6. In Chapter 9 He said “I am the light of the world.” Jesus next “I am…” more

  • 2. I Am The Resurrection And The Life

    Contributed on Apr 12, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    Fifth Sermon in the "I am" series. Jesus says He is the resurrection and the life. From John 11 we learn these things about Christ: 1. His response to us is Purposeful (vs.1-16) 2. His connection to us is Personal (vs.17-37) 3. His effect on us is Pow

    I AM series #5 Castle Hills Christian Ch. 07-18-04 I AM the Resurrection and the Life John 11 Scripture Reading: John 11:17-27 INTRODUCTION: Chapter 11 is pivotal in John’s gospel. It contains the final action on Jesus’ part to set the stage for his arrest and crucifixion. It begins more

  • 3. I Am The Son Of God

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2006
    based on 26 ratings

    Part of the "I am" series of statements Jesus made in John’s gospel, This sermon focuses on Jesus’ statement "...I am the Son of God" (John 10:36), and the reaction of the Jewish leaders who attempted to do the following things: 1. Slander Him 2. Stone

    I AM series #4 Castle Hills Christian Ch. 07-11-04 I AM the Son of God John 10:19-42 INTRODUCTION: Of all the “I am” statements Jesus made, which one do you suppose was the most controversial of all? Which one was most responsible for his arrest? Which one caused the Jewish leaders to more