Sermon Series
  • 1. Jacob: How It All Began

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2022

    Jacob, son of Isaac, was a very important and colorful person in the Bible. This first message covers his birth and his first business transaction--with his own twin brother!

    Introduction: Jacob, son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham, was one of the most colorful characters in the Bible. He started off by swindling his twin brother of the birthright but at the end of his days, pronounced a blessing and a prophecy about each of his sons. Every story has a beginning, so more

  • 2. Jacob-He Lost More Than He Gained

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2022

    Rebekah, mother of Esau and Jacob, wanted Jacob to have the paternal blessing which Isaac was going to bestow on Esau. She developed a plan for Jacob to get it--and they went through with it. Results? Bad!

    Introduction: Jacob had already purchased Esau’s birthright (some might say, swindled Esau out of it) some years before this event took place. Now, with his mother Rebekah’s help, he was about to swindle his father, Isaac, out of Esau’s blessing. Jacob got the blessing, but he lost more than ever more

  • 3. Jacob-A Man On A Journey

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Jacob was a man on the run, after leaving his home and family. He stopped for the night to sleep, and during that night, he received the strangest dream of his life. His journey was not over, in any way, shape, or form!

    Introduction: there was trouble in the camp. Jacob had tricked his father, Isaac, into receiving the paternal blessing Isaac wanted to give Esau, Jacob’s twin (and older) brother (Genesis 27). Even worse, their mother, Rebekah, had helped Jacob in this deception! Even before this, some years more

  • 4. Jacob-Finding True Love--And More

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Jacob had traveled many miles from his home. He finally reached his uncle's land and in an almost "deja vu" moment, found his first true love!

    Introduction: Jacob had stopped near Bethel (Luz), many miles away from his home and family. He had a dream, probably one of the strangest but most striking he would ever know. He woke up, set up a stone as a pillar, and made a contract, so to speak, with God. Now he’s closer to Haran, the land more

  • 5. Jacob-What He Did For Love

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2022

    Jacob was now staying at his uncle Laban's house. Laban offered him a job, and asked him, "What kind of wages would you want from me?" Jacob's reply eventually changed his life forever!

    Introduction: Jacob had arrived in Haran, the land of his mother and uncle Laban. He had assisted Rachel, Laban’s daughter, by watering her flock of sheep. Laban then ran out to meet Jacob, and they all returned to Laban’s house. For Jacob, things were about to get interesting. 1 The wages more

  • 6. Jacob-When He Knew It Was Time To Leave

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2022

    Jacob had lived with and served uncle Laban for twenty years. He soon found out that it was time for him to leave and go back to his home country.

    Introduction: Jacob had now lived with and worked for his uncle Laban for 14 years. He had received his rewards, Leah and Rachel plus a servant girl for each and was now the father of at least 12 children (details for these children are found in Genesis 29:31-30:24). He was ready to leave but Laban more

  • 7. Jacob-His "Mizpah” Moment

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2022

    Ever seen a "Mizpah" necklace? It may not mean what you think it does!

    Introduction: Have you seen anyone wearing a “Mizpah” necklace recently? These items come and go in popularity and I frankly haven’t seen any of these in quite a while. But some time ago, these items were popular. They came as a pair of necklaces, and on each necklace there was a piece of a coin or more

  • 8. Jacob-When He Wrestled With God

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2022

    If you have ever wrestled with anyone. you'll understand a little of what Jacob endured when he spent most of a night wrestling with an unknown Guest!

    Introduction: Jacob and his household had left the land of Laban and were heading back to his homeland. God Himself had told Jacob to do this (Gen. 31:3) and Jacob had obeyed. While on the journey, Moses wrote “the angels of God met” Jacob at a place he called “Mahanaim (Hebrew for “two camps)”. more

  • 9. Jacob-Hello And Good Bye, Brother

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2022

    Jacob had left home and a very angry brother 20 years earlier. Now his brother, Esau, was coming to meet Jacob with 400 armed soldiers. Jacob was probably expecting a final (!) good bye but not the "hello!' Esau gave him!

    Introduction: Jacob had left his home and family about 20 years before this event. Esau, his twin brother, was so upset at the time that he wanted to kill Jacob! Now that Jacob was returning to his home area, he sent messengers to Esau. The reply? “Esau is coming to meet you, and he’s bringing 400 more

  • 10. Jacob-The "Dinah Jacobs” Story

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2022

    Jacob's daughter Dinah is only mentioned in a few places in Scripture. This story shows how one decision can lead to a whole lot of problems.

    Introduction: Remember the old TV Western, “Wagon Train’? Every episode was called “the So-and-So story”, featuring one character who had some kind of impact or another on the wagon train’s journey to California or wherever. Sometimes the “guest” would impact one of the train’s leaders, too—but more

  • 11. Jacob-When He Came Back To Bethel

    Contributed on May 9, 2022

    Jacob had met the LORD at Bethel when he fled from Esau, his brother. Now, some twenty years later, he's on his way back to Bethel but things are much different than before.

    Foreword: Full disclosure, there is a message on this site, which I prepared, called “Back to Bethel” in a series about Bethel experiences. This message here is not a rehash of the previous message, but, as both messages are based on the same text, some overlap in probably unavoidable but is more

  • 12. Jacob-When He Had To Deal With Losses

    Contributed on May 15, 2022

    Jacob had his share of blessings but he also endured a number of losses. This message gives some glimpses of what he endured and how he dealt with these situations.

    Introduction: Jacob had to deal with bad things as well as good things during his earthly journey. He thought he had received the paternal blessing as well as the birthright but he lost as much, if not more, than he gained because of this. Now Jacob is going to experience a number of “hits”. 1 He more

  • 13. Jacob-Glimpses Of His Twilight Years

    Contributed on May 18, 2022

    The next to last chapters of Jacob's life are like a quiet period between his arrival in Hebron and his final earthly journey to Egypt. He endured several things but there is no record he ever lost his faith.

    Introduction: After Jacob and his household returned to Hebron (Gen. 35:27), he seemed to settle down to a life of farming and ranching. Isaac, his father, had died; he was at peace with his brother Esau; and it seemed all would be going well for him in his twilight years. But several things were more

  • 14. Jacob-When He Heard Some Very Good News

    Contributed on May 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Jacob had been told his favorite son, Joseph, had been killed many years before this incident took place. Then he received some very good news that changed everything for him!

    Introduction: Jacob had believed Joseph, his favorite son, had been killed many years before. Now he not only heard the news, but saw proof, Joseph was alive. This was some of the best news Jacob had ever heard! 1 The good news when he heard about Joseph being still alive Text: Genesis 45:25-28, more

  • 15. Jacob- Approaching The Finish Line

    Contributed on Jun 2, 2022

    Jacob had relocated to Egypt thanks to all Joseph had done. While there Jacob realized he was approaching the finish line for his earthly journey. He also did something very special for two of his grandsons.

    Introduction: At this stage of his life, Jacob was 130 years of age, and had relocated to Egypt thanks to his son Joseph. What Jacob may have thought of this, that his son was the second most powerful man in Egypt and maybe one of the most influential in that part of the world, is never known. But more

  • 16. Jacob- His Almost Final Journey

    Contributed on Jun 7, 2022

    This last message covers the last words of Jacob before he died. Even though he does not live on this earth, his journey is not yet complete.

    Introduction: The end of any project, whether a report, book manuscript, or even messages like these are always bittersweet, in my opinion. There’s always the question of did I add too much or not enough; did I really think this through; perhaps other things as well. Through this look at Jacob’s more