Sermon Series
  • 1. Cycle Of Sin Introduced

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2018

    Message 1 in our exposition of Judges introducing the cycles of sin that occur seven times in the book.

    Judges Series #1 Life Cycles “Cycle Introduced” Introduction We encounter cycles all through our life. Even our calendar forms a cycle of days, months, years, decades and centuries. Seasons follow a cycle. Wind operates on a repeating cycle. Crops, weather, rain, the earth and moon cycles, more

  • 2. Cycle Of Sin Illustrated

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2018

    Message 2 in our exposition of Judges. The message continues discussion of the elements in the sin cycle by illustrating them.

    Judges Series #2 Life Cycles “Cycle Identified and Illustrated Review Last week we just got started identifying the life cycle found in the book of Judges. We reinforced the Biblical concept that every person lies somewhere in this circle of life. All of us run this cycle multiple times more

  • 3. Othniel - Spirit-Powered Servant

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Message 3 in our exposition of Judges focusing on Othniel.

    Judges Series #3 Life Cycles “Othniel: Spirit-powered Servant” Review Last week we identified the life cycle that repeats seven times in the book. Sin-Slavery-Supplication-Salvation-Service Everyone runs this cycle many times throughout his or her life. In chapter one, the tribe of more

  • 4. Ehud -- Strength Perfected Through Weakness

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Message 4 in our exposition of Judges focusing on Ehud's exploits.

    Judges Series #4 Life Cycles “Ehud: Strength perfected through weakness” Review We should be familiar with the cycle by now. Sin-Slavery-Supplication-Salvation-Service The book of Judges records the continuing history of the nation of Israel; picking up at the death of Joshua who led them more

  • 5. Deborah -- Fearless Woman Fearful Man

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Message 5 in our exposition of Judges dealing with Deborah and Barak.

    Judges Series #5 Life Cycles “Deborah/Barak: A Fearless Woman and a Fearful Man” Review We should be familiar with the cycle by now. Sin-Slavery-Supplication-Salvation-Service For those of you who have just joined us, the book of Judges records the continuing history of the nation of more

  • 6. How Does God Feel About Women?

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Message 6 in our series on Judges. This is the first of two messages exploring the Bible's view of women.

    Judges Series #6 Life Cycles “How God Feels About Women” Review In our study of the book of Judges we encountered a deviation from the norm in Judaism that warrants a closer look. We encountered a woman prophet who was also a judge. Deborah drew high respect from the people. God used more

  • 7. Women In Ministry Pt 2

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Message 7 in our Judges series with the second message dealing with the role of women.

    Judges Series #7 Life Cycles “Women in Ministry” Review Last week we addressed the issue of the place of women in God’s plan. We began discussion with a brief summary of attitudes toward women at points in history including the church. The fact that women have not always been more

  • 8. Gideon - God Empowers The Timid And Insignificant

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Message 8 in our series on Judges. This message explores the account of Gideon.

    Judges Series #8 Life Cycles “God Empowers the Timid and Insignificant” Review We should all be familiar with the cycle by now. Sin-Slavery-Supplication-Salvation-Service Up to this point, I have described the fourth stage as God raising up a deliverer. Technically God is the Deliverer more

  • 9. Gideon Part 2

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Message 9 in our Judges series. This is part two of our study of Gideon.

    Judges Series #9 Life Cycles “God Empowers the Timid and Insignificant” PT 2 Review We find a universal cycle introduced in the book of Judges. It is a cycle that plays out at all levels of life: nations, states, communities, families, churches, more

  • 10. Fighting Fear With Fear

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Message 10 in our Judges Series expanding on the topic of fear. This is the first of seven messages.

    Notes for message 10 and 11 have been combined here for expedience. Judges Series #10 & 11 Life Cycles “Understanding and Handling Fear” (Trust More Fearless) Review On prominent principle in our study of Judges clearly demonstrates that God powerfully enlists the unlikely to precipitate more

  • 11. Fighting Fear With Fear

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Message 12 in our Judges series. This is the third message dealing with the topic of fear.

    Judges Series #12 Life Cycles “Understanding and Handling Fear” Pt 3 (Trust More Fearless) Review In our study of Judges, we have discovered that God powerfully enlists the most unlikely to accomplish the impossible, even the fearful and timid. Some of the words associated with fear. The more

  • 12. Fighting Fear With Fear Pt 4

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    This continues our topical excursion in our Judges Series this is the 4th of 7 messages on the subject.

    Judges Series #13 Life Cycles “Facing Fear” Pt 4 (Trust More Fearless) Review Everyone experiences fear from time to time. Fear is a tangible involuntary reaction to a perceived or actual threat to my well-being that is either present or potential that requires some sort of intentional more

  • 13. Fight Fear With Fear Pt 6

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Sixth message on the topic of fear from our series on Judges.

    Judges Series #15 L:ife Cycles “Fighting Fear with Fear” Part 6 Review I have sought to understand the topic of fear from a Biblical perspective over the past several weeks. The subject permeates Scripture from Adam in the book of Genesis to the tribulation in the book of Revelation. more

  • 14. Fighting Fear With Fear Pt 7

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Judges series pausing on the topic of fear. This is the last of seven messages.

    Judges Series #16 Life Cycles “Fighting Fear with Fear” Part 7 The Benefits of the Fear of the Lord Review From our study of the book of Judges, we discovered that our all-powerful God uses the improbable to accomplish the impossible. In reality, He has no other option since everyone more

  • 15. God Empowers The Rejected

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Message 17 in our journey through Judges. This message explores Jephthah.

    Judges Series #17 Life Cycles “God Empowers the Rejected” Review After a period of victory championed by Moses’ successor Joshua, the Israelites settled in the land promised to Abraham hundreds of years before. One lesson seemed abundantly clear. Blessing follows obedience.Trouble follows more

  • 16. Samson - God Empowers Even The Rebellious

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    Last message (17) in our Judges Series. This message focuses on the life of Samson.

    Judges Series #18 - Samson God Empowers the Rebellious Introduction Today we conclude our journey through Judges with the final judge and cycle. Three common principles repeat throughout the book. Sin and failure to serve God alone brings bondage and discipline. God restores / delivers the more

  • 17. Judges Outline

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2018

    This is to provide an outline and the final analysis of Judges after Samson

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch THE JOURNAL OF THE JUDGES I. Introduction to the cycles of sin 1:1-3:6 II. Journal of the Seven Cycles of Sin 3:7-16:31 SIN – SLAVERY – SUPPLICATION – SALVATION – SILENCE A. Cycle 1 – Othniel (God is powerful) 3:7-11 B. Cycle more