Sermon Series
  • 1. Preparing For A Miracle

    Contributed on Mar 20, 2011
    based on 30 ratings

    We will in our life face circumstances where we need the Lord to work powerfully. In fact, He often leads us to situations where we will only get through with His work in and through us. What does He want us to do in those situations? Are there things

    Preparing for a Miracle Mark 6:35-44 Admit your need Assess your resources Assign your resources to God Anticipate God’s multiplication Intro Good morning. Slide I am excited today. We are beginning our “Paving the Way” series and focus which will be a time that I believe is going to more

  • 2. Paving The Way To A Life Of Faith

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2011
    based on 15 ratings

    What is faith and what does a life of faith look like? Faith is something that is easy to talk about and easy to say that you have, but how is faith actually lived out? What will it look like when a person is living by faith? This morning we will take

    Paving the Way…to a Life of Faith Hebrews 11:1-27 Faith Believes even when we don’t See it Faith Sacrifices even when we don’t Have to Faith Obeys even when we don’t Understand it Faith Perseveres even when we don’t Want to Slide - Intro Last week we began a new series entitled “Paving more

  • 3. Paving The Way Through Stewardship

    Contributed on Apr 3, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    Stewardship. What does proper stewardship entail and how does sacrifice play into proper stewardship? Why would God call us to sacrifice and how exactly does the Bible tell us to sacrifice?

    Paving the Way through Stewardship Matthew 6:19-24 Why Sacrifice? Sacrifice Draws me Closer to God – Matthew 6:21 Sacrifice Frees me From Materialism – Matthew 6:24 How to sacrifice? Sacrifice the Best, NOT the Worst – Malachi 1:6-8 Sacrifice Willingly, NOT Unwillingly – 2 Corinthians more

  • 4. Paving The Way - A Life Of Service

    Contributed on Apr 10, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    Being a servant is not always what people think of as the path to greatness is concerned. Many think that having servants would better signify a great life. But Jesus tells us that whoever wants to be great will be a servant. What does the Bible say in

    Paving the Way – A Life of Service Mark 10:35-45 Why should I serve? I find greatness and fulfillment in service because God Saved me to Serve God Gifted me to Serve God is Glorified when I Serve God Blesses me when I Serve Slide Welcome. If you are visiting with us today we more