Sermon Series
  • 1. The Presence Of God In 2009

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2009
    based on 27 ratings

    How we need to be Aware & Concerned for the Presence of God. His Presence in our life will do wonderful things throught & to us.

    THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN 2009 Sunday AM January 4, 2009 2009! We’ve made it another year. It’s almost hard to imagine another year has come & gone so fast. For those of us of a notable age the years just seem to get faster & faster. I’m not going to be long this morning! I want to make a more

  • 2. Presence Driven

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    The importance for God’s People to have His Presence in their lives leading and guiding them. His Presence will Drive our beings.

    “PRESENCE DRIVEN” INTRODUCTION: Most of us, if not all of us, have read the book “ The Purpose Driven Church” by Rick Warren. It is a wonderful book. If you haven’t read it I suggest you get a copy of it & read it. Recently I heard a friend of mine say the other day say something I had more

  • 3. Presence Driven 2

    Contributed on Jan 10, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Being “Presence Driven” is what will Change Your Get By Experience into something Dramatic! It’ll Change Your Outlook on Church. It’ll Change Your Walk with God! It’ll bring a difference about you!

    “PRESENCE DRIVEN II” Sunday AM Nov. 30, 2008 INTRODUCTION: Last week I started a sermon topic I’m continuing with until the Lord changes my direction. I spoke on the “PRESENCE OF GOD” or being “PRESENCE DRIVEN”! I’m all at once fascinated with this topic God has put in my spirit. more