Sermon Series
  • 1. Did Jesus Exist Before He Was Born?

    Contributed on Dec 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This message examines how Jesus existed before he was in Mary’s womb.

    Traditionally, people have always enjoyed celebrating birthdays. Even as a nation we celebrate the birthdays of individuals who throughout history have made an impact on the United States. In January we will honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on His birthday. In February we will honor more

  • 2. Why God Became A Man

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2008

    This message examines God’s motivation for the incarnation.

    Why would the Son of God want to become human? What would possess Him to leave His eternal home to enter this world plagued by pain and sorrow? Why would He give up the worship of angels to endure abuse at the hands of sinful man? Why did God become a man? Max Lucado in his book “God Came Near” more

  • 3. A Gift That Is Just Indescribable

    Contributed on Dec 24, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    This message examines the importance of the incarnation and Christ’s attitude in regard to the Christmas story.

    Many times some very significant events slip under the radar and do not make the headlines. Many times it is due to the fact that the world’s eyes are fixed upon a seemingly larger event. For example, in 1809 the eyes of the world were on Napoleon as he marched across Europe. As the world watched more

  • 4. The True Hope Of Christmas Never Fades

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    This message examines how we can keep the joy and hope of Christmas every day of our lives.

    In the days leading up to Christmas our expectations are high and a sense of joy fills our hearts. We often are much like children in the fact we dream of Santa Claus and his glittering gifts of joy and peace. But what happens after Christmas? Well the tree dries up, the decorations are taken down more