Sermon Series
  • 1. The Most Urgent Need

    Contributed on May 6, 2016

    Beginning of a series to revitalize the church through evangelism.

    Introduction: In recent news this week, California announced that its snow pack has already melted. That means no fresh water from snowfall. California is experiencing a drought, as it has not in many years. Some may say it is because of the evil that goes on in California. They may say it is more

  • 2. The Purpose Of Evangelism

    Contributed on May 6, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Why Christians need to fulfill the Great Commission

    Introduction: Christ’s final words to his followers are known as the great Commission. The most well-known passage is probably the one found in Matthew 28:18-20. Although all four gospels and the Book of Acts have a slightly different form of it, they all give the same basic message. We are more

  • 3. The Plan For Evangelism

    Contributed on May 6, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    How to go about evangelizing

    Introduction: The Apostle Paul told the early church that the role of the pastor was to teach the members of the church to build up the body of Christ. That takes place through every member evangelism. J. E. Conant says, “Will this kind of service [every member evangelism] build up the body more

  • 4. The Power For Evangelism

    Contributed on May 6, 2016

    Where Christians receive the power to carry out personal evangelism

    Introduction: In light of the events of the past week (SC decision and the violence in the world) the question has come up if this is the End of the World? Maybe not the end of the world, but the end of or nation as we know it. The residents of Europe in 1939 may have asked themselves the same more

  • 5. The Fulfillment Of Evangelism

    Contributed on May 6, 2016

    A study of Acts 2 regarding what happens when a church follows the principles of biblical evangelism

    Introduction: Last week we looked at the promise that was to come. Jesus had promised the Comforter, the Holy Spirit to empower and indwell the believers. This week we will look at the results when his plan is followed and fulfilled. Once the Holy Spirit came, the Great Commission was not given more

  • 6. The Follow Up Of Evangelism

    Contributed on May 6, 2016

    A sermon about following up decisions after an evangelistic event

    Introduction: One of the biggest problems with evangelism efforts is the lack of translation into new, committed members of the local church. Often in times of crusades and revivals, many people will make decisions. Programs like the power teams and other events even such as Billy Graham crusades more

  • 7. From Small Beginnings

    Contributed on May 6, 2016

    A sermon showing how a church can start small and grow from there.

    Introduction: Look at this picture of these two kids. See the difference in their sizes. It is hard to believe that just two years ago the one on the left was the size of the one on the right. Little by little they grow, so little that it is hardly noticeable from day to day. The day after Hannah more