Sermon Series
  • 1. Why Jesus Rested

    Contributed on Aug 15, 2018

    A look at how Jesus rested on the Saturday of Holy Week. It was the Sabbath day and He was able to rest because He had finished His work well.

    Well-Earned Rest: Some of the best rest comes from finished work completed well. - Most of us have had that moment: you’ve been working hard all day on a project – maybe you’re painting a bedroom. It’s long needed work and today was the day. It took the better part of your Saturday, but as you more

  • 2. Encouragement For ‘silence Saturdays’

    Contributed on Aug 10, 2018

    There are times in our walk of faith when God seems silent, as He did on the Saturday of Holy Week. A look at how to deal with the times of silence.

    The Day After: The disciples were confused and depressed on the “Silence Saturday.” - John 19:30; John 20:13, 19. - I want to introduce a term to you: “Silence Saturday.” - When we think of Holy Week, we think of the various important days: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday. more