Sermon Series
  • 1. The Beauty Of The Prayer Shawl (Part 2)

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Exploring the Jewish roots of Christianity by studying the symbolism of the prayer shawl.

    Last week we started a new sermon series entitled “The Beauty of the Prayer Shawl.” The purpose of this series is to help us understand a little bit more about the Jewish roots of our faith. Jesus told us that “…salvation is of the Jews.” Basically what he means is that there would be no such more

  • 2. The Beauty Of The Prayer Shawl (Part 3)

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    Exploring the Jewish roots of Christianity by studying the symbolism of the prayer shawl.

    Today we will be finishing our series with the third and final teaching on the Beauty of the Jewish Prayer Shawl. Though as Christians we do not use the prayer shawl there is much we can learn from it. The shawl (talit) was and is an integral part of the Jewish faith – from which our own faith more