Sermon Series
  • 1. Turning Towards

    Contributed on May 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The season of Lent is a season of repentance. Instead of focusing on the sin, or what we are turning from, we are going to focus on what we are turning towards.

    Turning Towards: Series Introduction (Lent #1) March 5, 2006 Intro: All of life has a rhythm. There is birth, growth, and strength, and then weakness, decline, and death. There is work, and then there is rest. There is waking, then sleeping, then waking again. Day, and night. There is more

  • 2. Turning Towards: Forgiveness

    Contributed on May 15, 2007

    Turning towards forgiveness is something we need to do in two dimensions – first, we need to turn vertically towards God and accept His forgiveness offered to us, and second we need to turn horizontally towards each other and choose forgiveness in our rel

    Turning Towards: Forgiveness Ps 103:1-18, Luke 23:34 Lent Series; March 12, 2006 Intro: Imagine starting your week out with a clear plastic bag and a sack of potatoes. For each person that wrongs you, you must take a potato and write that person’s name, date and what the wrong was onto the more

  • 3. Turning Towards  Truth

    Contributed on May 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The lies are subtle, and they go deep down. They are rooted in painful experiences of hurt, of rejection, and the antidote is to discover what God’s truth says to those lies, and to hear that truth speak to those experiences.

    Turning Towards  Truth April 9, 2006 (Palm Sunday) John 18:28-38 Intro: Today is Palm Sunday, where we celebrate Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, where the people welcomed Him and celebrated Him as a King, singing hosanna’s, laying palms and even their cloaks on the ground for His donkey more

  • 4. Do You Want To Be Free

    Contributed on May 15, 2007

    This is a complete Good Friday service, with Scripture and readings and songs.

    Good Friday Service – April 14, 2006 Welcome; instructions Invitation to worship; time of silence “Message of the Cross” “A Dark Passover” – Kids’ sketch Lazarus: John 11:37-44 37But some of them said, "Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?" more

  • 5. Turning Towards  Life

    Contributed on May 15, 2007

    Are you alive? It is a trade-off: In Jesus, God makes us an offer: “give Me everything you have, and I’ll give you everything I have.”

    Turning Towards  Life Easter Sunday April 16, 2006 Intro: This resurrection Sunday morning is all about life. About new life, resurrected life, about abundant life. It is not about fixing up the old, making a few repairs, tweaking things here and there so that we can get by, so that more