Sermon Series
  • 1. The Weapons Of Warfare

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This message is intended to bring an awareness of the unseen war that’s all around us, and to reveal our weapons and equipment with which we can engage in spiritual battle and defend ourselves against our spiritual enemy.

    I’m not going to fight in the physical with physical weapons . . . I’m going to fight with spiritual weapons, cause it’s a spiritual fight. - Stephen Baldwin(1) If you attended Vacation Bible School as a child, then you may recall marching into the church building to the tune of “Onward, more

  • 2. The Mighty Name Of Jesus

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    The name of Jesus is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare; however, His name must not be taken lightly or used inappropriately. Also, Jesus promised to be present in power among His followers whenever they acted in His name.

    When we speak the precious and powerful name of Jesus, it’s not a magic word. We must be wholly submitted to Jesus to use it. - Dean Sherman(1) The name of Jesus is the most powerful weapon in spiritual warfare. Jesus is the Word (Jn 1:1, 14), and by the Word and through His holy name “the more

  • 3. Speaking Words Of Faith

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Words can change how we think, act or dress; and even determine what we do with our life. This message looks at what the Bible has to say about taking control of our thoughts and speaking words of faith and words of life.

    Spoken words program your heart either to success or defeat. Words . . . carry faith or fear, and they produce after their kind. - Charles Capps(1) To get started this morning, I want to talk about the power of words; and a good example of words can be seen in the news media. You hear a lot of more

  • 4. The Pollution Scheme

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The salvation from sin that God bestows through His Son, Jesus Christ, is likened to water. The devil can sometimes muddy the water and cause pain and confusion, as he attempts to pollute the living water within us.

    Jesus calls the quickening gift of the Spirit “living water” because mere human nature is . . . barren of all virtue by the crimes of the devil. - Cyril of Alexandria(1) In reference to the arrival of the Messiah, the prophet Isaiah declared, “For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and more

  • 5. The Temptation Scheme

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The devil is always trying to gain a foothold in our life, and he begins his initial onslaught of attacks with the temptation to sin. Temptation "can" be overcome! We must overcome it, so we can refrain from committing sin.

    Satan is looking to pound on our weakest areas . . . When we leave an opening by yielding to temptation, he’ll take advantage. - Kent Crockett(1) In Ephesians 4:27, the Apostle Paul warned, “Do not give the devil a foothold” (NIV). The devil is always trying to gain a foothold in our life, and he more

  • 6. The Perversion Scheme

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Satan realizes that if he takes something that God created for good, and twists it until it is completely unrecognizable, and even causes it to look like something evil, that he can cheat us out of what God wanted us to have.

    The devil is not a creator. He is very good at perverting things, but he never creates new material. He can only use God’s material. - Daniel Heimbach(1) I want to begin by reminding us how the Bible says that we are at war daily with Satan and his demons (Eph 6:11-12). The devil is real, his more

  • 7. The Tainting Scheme

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Satan realizes that the Word of God is a mighty weapon in the “war against demonic terror.” Therefore, he taints the Word by adding to it, subtracting from it, or substituting his own defective formula, in order to deceive believers.

    Satan is very sly. Sometimes he tries to get you to question what God has said and to twist God’s words to mean something that is not true. - Tammy Melton(1) The Word of God is a powerful weapon against the devil. Proverbs states, “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their more

  • 8. The Testing Scheme

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Satan’s onslaught against the Word of God is constant. He is always twisting and manipulating, trying to get us to doubt what the Lord has said. In addition to attacking the Word, the devil will bombard us with testing and trials.

    Every temptation is a kind of test . . . from the Evil One. A temptation is a trial posed by Satan, with the wicked hope that we will fail. - Philip Ryken(1) Satan’s onslaught against the Word of God is constant. He’s always twisting and manipulating, trying to get us to doubt what the Lord’s more

  • 9. The Heritage Scheme

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Quite possibly, the sneakiest scheme of the devil is how he can keep us unaware of sin. The devil is able to mask sin through heritage, and sin is a disease that can be passed through family lines. It's referred to as generational sin.

    The iniquities of one generation can adversely affect future ones unless those sins are renounced and . . . heritage in Christ is claimed. - Neil Anderson(1) Quite possibly, the sneakiest scheme of the devil is how he can keep us unaware of sin. Satan knows that if we’re left unaware of certain more

  • 10. The Deception Scheme

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Satan tries to rob us of life – both eternal life and abundant life – through his lies and deception, and if we listen to him, he will steal away life as a thief in the night. He wants to bring about death, and loss of joy and fulfillment.

    If you’re sinking in quicksand, Satan will gladly pat you on the head. - Adrian Rodgers Satan, or the devil, is always trying to beat us down and to steal our life. The Christian vocalist Carman, in his song called “Slam,” stated of the devil, “You tried to break me, tried to shake me; tried to more

  • 11. The Power Of Your Worship

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Satan loves to make situations which require simple faith and obedience complicated and confusing in order to get us off track. Jehoshaphat was able to overcome doubt - and ultimately defeat - through worshiping the Lord.

    God’s strategy was clear . . . the worshipers went first into the battlefield, and . . . the Lord miraculously defeated their enemies. - Mike Harland(1) If the Lord has ever asked you to do something for Him and you struck out early, then this message is for you! We’re going to find out that more

  • 12. Responding To Spiritual Attacks

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    There is an unseen war taking place around us at all times, and the devil is working hard against those who serve and obey the Lord. But God has warrior angels in His charge, and He sends His angels to guard us and help with the fight.

    To fulfill the task of protecting us the angels fight against the devil and all our enemies, and carry out God’s vengeance. - John Calvin(1) In Billy Graham’s book Angels: God’s Secret Agents, there is the story of a missionary named John Paton who was stationed along with his wife in the New more