
Summary: The Word was made flesh for all humanity.

What Jesus Was Made (series) #1

Jesus Was Made Flesh

John 1

First understand that Jesus was already with the Father and without Jesus nothing was made that is made.

Jesus was not cloned from another, but He was and is the only begotten of the Father.

But for the redemption of man from sin Jesus was made flesh, He allowed Himself to become flesh, it never changed His Deity, He was and always will be the Son of God.

John 1:14

V 1-3, v10 He who made all things including mankind was “made flesh”

Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

Jesus was made something that He was not, He became flesh. We will find later this happens again and again for Jesus who knew no sin became sin, something He was not, he becomes a cruse which He is not, but He will become the Savior whom He Is. Halleluiah

According to Hebrews 2.16 Jesus the Son of God took upon Himself “the seed of Abraham” not the nature of angels but Abraham, Paul would declare in Romans 1.3 He took upon Himself the “seed of David”.

These two verses identify Jesus with all mankind.

He became “Emmanuel, God with us”, Matt 1.23,

He became our Kinsman-Redeemer, which is an OT teaching.

Kinsman-Redeemer had to be one of Kinship and had to have the ability to redeem, the means to be able to care for one that was left alone, one that needed redemption.

Jesus was made flesh, He was already One with God,

But being made flesh He became One with mankind, to be able to redeem us from sin by His own blood 2 Peter 1. 18 – 19 declares we were not redeemed with silver and gold but by the blood of Jesus Christ.

In the fact that Jesus was made flesh He is able to be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, Heb. 4.15

Being made flesh speaks not just part of the body but the whole human nature, Jesus being in the flesh was pressed with infirmities in which you and I fight and wrestle with yet without sin.

John 1.14 Was made flesh and dwelt among us the writer declares.

The word dwelt among us, gives reference to the OT tabernacle that dwelt among them.

The model of the tabernacle was not mans ideal but God’s. Moses was instructed to build the tabernacle after the pattern he was shown.

The Word Being Made Flesh, John 1.14 , was not mans ideal but God’s.

God’s glory was seen over the OT Tabernacle and John writes about Jesus we beheld His glory, the glory of the Father.

That’s why Jesus stated to his disciples that when you have seen me you have seen the Father.

Through Jesus Christ even the veil of His flesh we receive Grace and truth.

Being made flesh the saints have access to the Father,

Jesus being made flesh we too enjoy the presence of God through the HG

Through Jesus spiritual sacrifices become acceptable to God,

Today as we take communion we will remember and give thanks for the body, the Word that became flesh, it was broken for us.

Please understand Jesus came in bodily form so you and I could be saved.

So that you and I would have a high priest that could be touched, that we could be comforted, so that we could find peace, that we could find grace, that we could have joy unspeakable and that full of glory.

John 1.14….the Word Made Flesh, full of Grace and Truth

This is the true nature of God through Christ, Grace and Truth.

For we are saved through Grace by Faith

It is through the Word, Jesus that we are pardoned from our sins.

It is through the Word, Jesus that we are adopted into the family of God.

It is through Jesus that I have comfort, peace and Joy.

Do you have the Comfort of God today?

Jesus was made flesh he knows your troubles, cares, heartache

Jesus can be touched today by faith, reach out to Him.

Do you have the Peace of God abiding in you today?

God never intended you to live life miserable, upset, living in fear

By the Grace of God you can know Him today.

Do you have the joy that only God can give to you?

It is not found in things

It is not found in worldly pleasures

It is only found in repenting of sin and believing upon Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

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