
Summary: The ones whose eyes are fixed on the Messiah, would want to come into the House of the Lord, though it means waking up early on Sunday, forgoing your week end bashes with friends and much more!

10,000 goes

Luke 20: 35”But those who are counted worthy to attain that age, and the resurrection from the dead…”

Awash with plethora of distractions, hot temptations around us, it is very difficult to find people consistent in their walk with God. They are all beans one day and like cold water another day; wake up friends, I am going to teach you some valuable lessons today!

I keep telling my son to practice math thoroughly if he wants good marks, likewise, be it academics or any art, it needs thorough practice and hard work behind the stage before you usurp the platform. Right? Your performance is directly related to the amount of training that has gone behind it! Be it secular or spiritual, you need practice, training and preparation if you expect to ‘skyrocket your success.’ “It takes, according to Bob Woolmer ( late cricket coach and international cricketer), 10,000 goes at something before you master it.” Listen up! 10,000 goes!

After preaching for several years on ‘keeping the momentum with God’, I did feel exhausted while I started to write this devotion. Each time I get a message from God to preach a strong message, I squirm and wriggle; do I have to once again preach on the same subject? Yet, that is what I am assigned for. First, I need to give a spicy title, so that you guys open the email, if I say ‘ how do you count yourself worthy to get to heaven,’ I bet half of you will press the ‘del’ button; who cares about heaven anyways? Now, let me make the subject interesting though heaven is less interesting for scores of Christians who follow the herd of pleasure-lovers. When we have fancy malls, discotheques, theatres with lustful dances who would want to come to the house of the Lord? The ones who are determined would come in. Do you get it? The ones whose eyes are fixed on the Messiah, would want to come into the House of the Lord, though it means waking up early on Sunday, forgoing your week end bashes with friends and much more!

Why do we give less importance to the things of God? Why do we push Him to the back seat instead of handing over the steering- wheel of our life to God? Because we have less knowledge or no knowledge of the Bible. Jesus said, after death on earth the following things happen:

- the worthy ones are resurrected and taken to heaven (not all Christians)

- they do not marry nor are given in marriage in heaven

- they die no more

- they are equal to the angels

- they are sons of God

- they are the sons of the resurrection.

Friend, please do not ignore the words of God and trade the wickedness of this world for such a ‘precious life of joy and peace that is prepared for us in heaven. Yes, HEAVEN IS REAL! Yes, we are saved by grace but we need to hold on to that grace until He comes back to take us to His Abode. It needs more than 10,000 goes of being faithful to Him in all areas in order to reach Jesus! I repeat the above scripture again, ‘those who are counted worthy to attain that age, and the resurrection from the dead..’ Be alert!

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