
Summary: How do you fit in the body of Christ.

How to become all that God wants You to be:

Step 1: Dedicate my Body! Vs. 1

Truth: Some believers never settle of dedicating their bodies to Christ.

Step 2: Eliminate competing Distractions! Vs. 2

Danger: Don’t get into the idea of “I’ll serve God when it is convenient.”

Step 3: Evaluate your Strengths. Vs. 3

“Sober”—to save your mind.

Key: Humility—means you are honest about both your strengths and weaknesses.

Step 4: Cooperate with Other Believers. Vs. 4-5

Every believer is a minister. Ephesians 4:12

Every believer has a different function. 1 Corinthians 12

Every ministry is important. 1 Corinthians 12

Every believer must cooperate. Matthew 20:28

“Gift”= “Charisma” also gives us the root for “Joy”.

Key: We all are important in the body of Christ!

Step 5: Activate your Spiritual Gift! Vs. 6-8

Question: What is the basis for Spiritual Gifts?

1 Peter 4:10 “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (NIV)

Question: What is the purpose of Spiritual Gifts?

Two Purposes:

Built Up and

Promote Unity.

Question: What is the responsibility of Spiritual Gifts?

Three Steps:




Question: What does this mean for Calvary?

1) We believe the church is an organism not an organization.

2) We believe the church operates on spiritual gifts not offices.

3) We believe that the people are the ministers and the pastors are the administers.

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