
Summary: When sharing our faith, we must understand that we participate in both the cross and the grave; our sin was the cause of His death. We cannot get to the resurrection without the death of Jesus, and it's critical we remember to share that!

Jesus’s Death

John 19:17-42

Following Pilate’s decision to crucify Him (through God’s authority)

Jesus is taken to the place of Golgotha to be executed

Romans have dialed into this brutal method; they are skilled at it

∆ A Cruel Punishment

He was placed between two thieves (to discredit Him)

Pro: Isa 53:12, “… (he) was numbered with the transgressors”

Common practice to shame the accused, strip them of all power

He was labeled a “king” (to mock Him)

Pro: Isa 53:3, “… (he) was despised, and we held him in low esteem”

This labeling was to shame him, to convince all that he deserves this

His clothes were stripped and divided (to take all He had)

Re: Jesus owned nothing but his clothes at his death; nothing else to take

Pro: Psa 22:18, “They divide my clothes among them & cast lots for my garment.”

∆ A Horrible Death

On the cross, the accused would be horribly thirsty (re: crushing respiratory sys)

This would prevent the accused from breathing; or finding any relief

Even the thirst He would encounter is referred to in scripture by another

Pro: Psalm 69:21, “… (They) gave me vinegar for my thirst.”

There is no relief in vinegar for thirst; it closes up the throat

HUGE: He knew this would fully fulfills God’s purpose – to take on your sin

Pro: Isa 53:10, “It was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer”

“It is finished” (Greek: “Tetelestai”) – it is a cry of VICTORY!

He becomes our substitute (the purpose of this Gospel)

To hasten death, the legs (of the sacrifice) would be broken (prevents breathing)

Referring to a sacrifice: Pro: Ex 12:46, “It must be eaten inside the house; take none of the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones.”

Pro: Psalm 34:20, “… he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken”

We know from the text that Jesus’s legs would not be broken

When His side was pierced blood and fluid from the core would rush out

It is from suffocation that this fluid has built up in the chest

Mercifully, Jesus dies – completing His Father’s punishment

∆ A Loving Burial

Joseph of Arimathea:

He was a member of the Sanhedrin; also a disciple of Jesus Christ

He is helped by Nicodemus (Ch. 3)

Jesus is buried lovingly, with respect and honor

He is placed in an unused (empty) tomb

Pro: Isa 53:9, “And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; Because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.”

IMP: These two men had nothing to gain by showing their faith

They were unafraid to offer their Savior all they could, even in death

There could be no doubt about who was resurrected …

He was the only one in the tomb and the only one that could’ve left

How does this death affect or challenge us today?

∆ Big Idea

1. When sharing, always remember that the cross fulfills scripture

2. We must participate in both the cross and the grave; our sin is the cause

We cannot get to the resurrection without the death of Jesus

3. If tempted to be a “secret disciple”, remember Nicodemus and Joseph


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