
Summary: Message 19 in our exposition of Nehemiah. Several message on dedication of resources.


"A Good Look At Finances"


I. Rebuilding secure walls

II. Restoring stable Worship

The people of God under Nehemiah and Ezra's leadership

Recruited and appointed godly leaders

Rallied together

Read and studied the word together

Rejoiced together

Reflected together

Resolved together to seek the Lord

#1 Live a life of discipline by the Word (observe and do)

#2 Live a life of distinctiveness in the World

#3 Live a life of Devotion and dependance of God

#4 Live a life of Dedicated resources 10:32-39

There is a close connection between our financial commitment to the things of God and our spiritual temperature. A high percentage of Americans are presently in debt. It is not unusual to find families 15-20 thousand dollars in debt and filing for bankruptcy.


1--Supply resources for worship services 32-33

2--Supply for the needs of the priest and people of God

By regular giving as God prospered they could continually care for God's house.

"We will not neglect the house of our God." Neh 10:39

There is a great deal written in Scripture concerning finances. Giving is only a portion. Today we will look at an overall proper perspective regarding money. The next three weeks we will examine some Biblical directives concerning the receiving, giving, and spending of money. If we would find financial freedom in this economic climate, we must align our finances with Biblical principles. Talking money is not a pleasant but pertinent task. How we handle financial matters is a accurate barometer concerning spiritual reliability. Luk 16:13

Several messages followed on the subject of money and giving. Rather than duplicate notes here, the notes for those messages can be found in the series on sacrifice.

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