
Summary: The Problem, The Purpose The Power of Encouragement. To also listen to this message visit (Sep 2008)

This may surprise you sometimes Christians Find it hard to give and receive Encourage.

Often people focus on the One Word/Issue they don’t agree, the Word/Issue that has hurt them or disappointed them.

Encouragement is a designated/commanded Quality of the Church.

“Therefore encourage one another and build up each other 1Th 5:11”

Some people seem to have this quality more than others because it is a gift,

Rom 12 8 … if his gift is Encourage let him Encourage. However, it is a commandment for all to encourage. How different peoples experience of church would be if more time and focus was given to encouragement.

Barnabus (son of Encouragement) Barnabus was not Called Barnabus I wonder if you know his real name? see Acts 4:36

He gained the reputation of an Encourager. When He Left the room people were glad he came in and felt better about themselves when he went out. I wonder if people are sorry if we come into the room and glad when we go.

Barnabus, like Onesiphorus did people he was around good, they brought the feel good factor with them.

2 Timothy 1:16 May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains.

Philemon 1:7 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.

Sadly Encouragement is sometimes lacking in some saints

1Cor 16 17 I was glad when Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus arrived, because they have supplied what was lacking from you. 18 For they refreshed my spirit and yours also. Such men deserve recognition.

But that Can Change

2 Corinthians 7:14 In addition to our own encouragement, we were especially delighted to see how happy Titus was, because his spirit has been refreshed by all of you. I had boasted to him about you, and you have not embarrassed me.

The Purpose of Encouragement

Encouragement means Lift Up & Spur on To give people a Push in the Right Direction

Encouragement is aimed at helping people to PRESS ON

The Problem with Encouragement

Why is there so little Encouragement?

Live in Critical/Cynical World that would rather put down than build up

Live in a world were it has become acceptable to be stressed or depressed.

Even In Church Lots of Teaching assumes we are discouraged & so people get discouraged because they are not discouraged

The Power of Encouragement

People Feel Better about themselves, lets be a church that Encourages people so they feel VALUED (Appreciated) & they feel VITAL (Fit In) they feel LOVED

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