
Summary: We live in hectic times and often the cry when it comes to the service of God is “I’m too busy.” Revival calls for re–prioritizing our lives. Nehemiah was a busy man who asked the right question - “How are God’s people doing?” Neh. 1:2

Revival–Light the Fire

(The Revival of Nehemiah)

Nehemiah 1–10


• We live in hectic times and often the cry when it comes to the service of God is “I’m too busy.”

• Revival calls for re–prioritizing our lives.

• Nehemiah was a busy man who asked the right question - “How are God’s people doing?” Neh. 1:2

• The answer brought him to his knees in confession and prayer. Neh. 1:3b–11

• Background on Nehemiah

• As a result of Nehemiah’s prayer and planning, God opened up an opportunity to do God’s will.

• The question of Nehemiah is valid still today, just as the people were struggling to rebuild Jerusalem, we are in a struggle to restore NT Christianity.

• “How are God’s people doing?”

• Are you satisfied with OUR progress?


I. Getting Involved

A. Be Challenged by God’s Providence

1. Nehemiah was challenged by God’s providence. Neh. 2:18a

2. What is God’s providence for us? Rom. 10:1–4

B. Never Underestimate the Power of personal Witness.

1. The example of Paul using his witness. Acts 22, 26

2. Share your witness with others.

3. When we can admit to people that we have sinned and desire to be revived then we can lead God’s people in revival. Neh. 2:18

II. Facing Opposition

A. There will always be opposition to change.

1. Revival involves change.

2. Nehemiah faced opposition in revival. Neh. 2:19–20; 4, 6

B. The man of God will put it in God’s hands and keep on building.

1. Nehemiah continued in the face of opposition and completed the revival he started.

2. As a result, the wall was completed in less than two months.

C. Allow God to work His will.

1. The people had a mind, or the heart, to work. Neh. 4:6, 6:15

2. God was Glorified! Neh. 6:16

III. Rebuilding the People

A. The real challenge of revival is rebuilding the people.

1. Nehemiah sought Ezra, the priest, to read the word. Neh. 8:1–3

2. Revival is accomplished through the word.

B. The natural response to the word of God is Passionate worship. Neh. 8

1. They Hungered for the word. Neh. 8:1–3

2. Their worship was active NOT passive. Neh. 8:5–6

3. Their worship was a celebration. Neh. 8:10, 12

C. Repentance and Ruthless Confession are required for revival.

1. The people’s confession of sin was passionate. Neh. 9:1–3

2. Confession of sin must be made by all who desire justification and favor from God. 1 John 1:9


• The revival of Nehemiah all started with one man believing that God would do what he said he would do.

• Even when the revival was underway Nehemiah still had opposition. We must follow his example, take God at His word and turn a deaf ear to “naysayer’s.”

• Nehemiah’s revival was contagious. One man’s ruthless confession started a tidal wave of revival.

• The people had come clean with God and each other. The “clincher” was that Nehemiah had them sign on the bottom line. Neh. 9:38; 10:39b

• Until we own up and make our intentions known publically then our confession will never bring cleansing and ownership.

• When a person has the courage to come down the aisle, be an example of revival, and say those words, “I have sinned” for the sin of non–involvement in the work of the Lord, it is then that revival becomes personal.

• No wonder with such ruthless confession, this book is the one that proclaims: “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Neh. 8:10

• Have you come clean with God and each other? Are you willing to “sign on the dotted line” and find cleansing, ownership and joy?

Sermon adapted from bible class notes by Dr. Stephen Guy

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