
Summary: PROPOSITION: Because of Christ’s atoning work, faith in Him provides great joy.

Living by Triumphant Faith


How can we live in a fallen world where violence dominates and still experience joy?

PROPOSITION: Because of Christ’s atoning work, faith in Him provides great joy.

I. Resist the tendency to be overwhelmed by the world’s injustice!

Habakkuk is concerned about the world’s injustice (Ch. 1).

A. Why would God be indifferent to our cries for help (1:1-11)?

1. God seems to allow ethical wrong (1-2).

2. Habbakuk seems to convey a complaint to God (3-4).

3. God warns that His discipline is coming (5-11).

B. Why would God employ the wicked (1-12-17)?

1. The Lord’s covenantal justice (12).

2. The wicked's injustice (13-17).

II. Realize that evil will ultimately be defeated!

The Lord reveals the eventual judgment against evil (Ch. 2).

A. Habakkuk is given instructions to write (2:1-5).

1. Habakkuk waits for God’s response (2:1)

2. Habakkuk is given God’s instructions (2-5).

B. Habakkuk is given the destiny of human history (2:6-20).

1. Evil will be defeated on the earth (2:6-19).

2. God’s glory will prevail over the earth (2:14, 20).

III. Respond to evil with faith in a righteous Lord!

Habakkuk is distressed yet responds in faith (Ch. 3).

A. Faith is better than sight (3:1-15).

1. Sight has very limited vision.

2. Faith has unlimited vision.

B. Faith rests on God’s promises (3:16-18a).

1. Habakkuk was invited by God to rest in His Word (3:1, 16).

2. Habakkuk was invited by God to rest in His work (3:1b, 18b).

C. Faith in Christ results in lasting joy (3:17-19).

1. Faith worships through prayer to Him.

2. Faith confesses its confidence in Him (17-18)

3. Faith knows God is His strength (19).

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