
Summary: Is your Christianity showing, is it Contagious?

3 Keys to being a Contagious Christian

Matthew 5: 13-16.

Key Principle: People matter to God.

3 Key to being a Contagious Christian.

1)Prayer…(Matthew 9:35-38.)

We need to talk to God about people before we talk to people about God.

When you take the time to pray for someone to be saved, you are sending the Holy Spirit ahead of you.

Many of you came to know Jesus as a result of someone’s prayers.

Maybe your Mom, your Grandmother…etc.

2)Care…(Matthew 5:13.)

People will not care how much you know, until they know how much you care.


a)Creates a thirst.

B) Spices things up.

C) Preserves.

Be real. Be authentic. People are drawn to sincerity.

Remember the story of the Good Samaritan?

A Jew was stripped by robbers, beaten and left at the side of the road.A priest walked by and avoided him.

A Levite (another “religious” person) avoided him.

Then, the Samaritan-who was part of the group of people who were at odds with the Jews-came to his rescue. The Samaritan bandaged him up, put him on his donkey and took him to an inn, and paid his bill.

The world doesn’t need more religious people. The world needs more real Christians who go through real pain and real crisis points, but pull through by the power of Christ!

2 Ways to show someone you care:

Give them your time.

Go the extra mile with them and for them.

3) Share (Matthew 5:14-16)

People must be able to see the glorious change in our lives.

V.14: We are the Light of the world.

V.15: We can’t the light.

Share what God has done in our lives. Salvation, Comfort, and all of his many and wonderous blessings.

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