
Summary: This is an exposition of Philippians 1.27 through 2.4.

Walk Worthy of the Gospel


Text: Phil 1.27-2.4


1. Read Text.

2. What does it mean to “Walk Worthy of the Gospel”? We are citizens of heaven and we are to act like it! Our Actions can speak louder than our words.

3. In this passage the focus of the worthy walk is Unity.

4. Unity is what sets the church apart in the world. It is a sacred tool in the fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Ill. “Linus and Lucy’s fingers”.

5. Worthy Conduct in the local church is expressed through…

I. Unity in the Faith – Phil 1.27.

A. Unity is impossible apart from a shared spirit – the Holy Spirit.

1. Unity is a result of following the leading of the Holy Spirit –

Gal. 5.18ff.

2. Disunity is a result of not following the leading of the Holy

Spirit – Jude 1.19.

B. Unity is impossible apart from a shared goal – the spread of the


1. The Gospel is the Power! Rom. 1.16

2. The only thing that we can do now on this earth that we cannot

do in heaven is to preach the gospel.

II. Unity in the Fight – Phil 1.28-30.

A. The Church as a “team”.

1. A “sign” of God’s Victory over the enemy.

2. A “sign” of God’s Salvation for the saints.

B. The church as an “army”.

1. Suffering for Christ.

2. Standing for Christ.

III. Unity in the Fellowship – Phil 2.1-4.

A. Unity produces positive results – v.1.

1. Encouragement.

2. Consolation.

3. Fellowship.

4. Compassion.

B. Unity permeates the entire church- v. 2

1. The same mind.

2. The same love.

3. The same spirit.

4. The same purpose.

B. Unity proceeds from proper motivation.

1. Two Improper Motives – “selfishness” (lit. factiousness”)and

“empty pride”.

2. Two Proper Motives – Humility and Altruism.


1. Worthy Conduct in the local church is expressed through… Unity in the Faith, Unity in the Fight, and Unity in the Fellowship.

2. Unity in the Faith tells us that the Church’s testimony depends on its unity.

3. Unity in the Fight tells us that the Church’s victory depends on its unity.

4. Unity in the Fellowship tells us that the Church’s relationships depend on its unity.

5. Ill. “Admiral Phipps shooting at the Saints”.

6. We must strive for and attain unity if we are to fulfill our God-given mission in this world.


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