
Summary: Examining Jonah’s anger at God’s compassion for the Ninevites

Key Text: Jonah 4:8-9

Jonah’s anger caused five things to happen in his life.

1. Jonah’s anger caused him to RESIST God’s call (v. 1-2a)

A. We resist the call to pray when we are angry (1 Thess. 5:17).

B. We resist the call to love when we are angry (John 15:12; 1 Cor. 13:5; John 13:35).

C. We resist the call to serve when we are angry (Luke 4:8).

D. We resist the call to forgive when we are angry (Col. 3:13).

E. We resist the call to grow when we are angry (2 Peter 3:18).

2. Jonah’s anger caused him to RESENT God’s character (v. 2b).

God’s character: slow to anger

Jonah’s character: quick to anger

Jonah realized that God’s character was not the same as his character; instead of changing his character, he resented God’s character of forgiveness and love.

3. Jonah’s anger REVEALED his confusion (v. 3-4, 6-9)

Jonah’s behavior reveals that he is confused about what should be taking place.

Anger causes us to become confused: we lose our perspective; we forget what life is about.

4. Jonah’s anger caused him to REFUSE God’s compassion (v. 5)

Although God was compassionate, Jonah refused to have that same compassion.

Lamentation 3:22-23

5. Jonah’s anger caused him to not RECOGNIZE God’s concern (v. 10-11).

God was concerned about the salvation of Ninevah.

Jonah was concerned about the destruction of Ninevah.

Jonah’s anger did not allow him to have the same concern that God had: instead of being concerned about others’ welfare, he was concerned about their destruction.


1) Be SLOW (James 1:19)

2) Be a SERVANT (Prov. 21:14)

3) Be SMART (Prov. 29:8; James 1:5)

4) Be SENSITIVE (Prov. 15:1)

5) Be SYMPATHETIC (Eph. 4:32)

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