
Summary: From the time Jesus rose from the dead, until he ascended to Heaven, there were 40 very important days.

40 Days

Pastor Eric J. Hanson

April 26th, 2015

After Jesus Rose from the dead, he spent the next 40 days preparing his 120 followers, and especially the 11 apostles, for the ministry he was giving to them. He restored some, who had denied him or fled, strengthened them all, equipped them, and made their assignment crystal clear. Then he ascended into the cloud of God’s presence before the eyes of the apostles. They clearly witnessed Him leaving the planet.

Here are the scripture passages which tell us about the work the Lord did over this important 40 day time period.

Matthew 28: 1-10, Mark 16:1-8, and Luke 24: 1-11 Mary, Joanna, and Mary go to the tomb and then to the disciples

John 20:1-10 and Luke 24:12 Mary Magdalene, John, & Peter encounter the empty tomb.

John 20:11-18 & Mark 16:9-11 Mary Magdalene encounters angels and then the Lord Himself.

Mark 16: 12-13 and Luke 24: 13-35 Jesus appears to 2 of the 120 disciples

John 20:19-23 and Luke 24:36-43 Later that day, at evening, Jesus appears to the 10 and imparts the Holy Spirit to them, but Thomas is missing.

John 20:26-29 & Mark 16:14 Eight days later Jesus appears to the 11 and deals with Thomas

John 21:1-14 The “Great Catch II” bookends Jesus’ earthly ministry to the Apostles.

John 21:15-23 Jesus deals with Peter’s 3 denials.

John 21:25 Many other things Jesus did…

Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-18, and Luke 24:44-49 The Great Commission given by Jesus to the 11

Acts 1:1-11, Mark 16: 19-20, and Luke 24:50-53 Jesus’ final instructions to the Apostles and his ascension

During these 40 days, Jesus prepared the Apostles for a life sold out to His agenda. He clearly got rid of their agendas, be they political (restore the Kingdom of Israel.) or personal (self preservation and/or personal prestige) He replaced their agendas for Him, with His agenda for them.

How about us? How about you?

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