
Summary: an exposition on Matt ch 26


Matthew 26 v. 17 - 35

1. The Preparation for the Passover v. 17 - 19 The disciples were to go:-

(a) To a specific place v. 17 Where wilt thou?

(b) To a specific person v. 18 "to such a man" He was :-

(1) An enlightened man "the Master saith"

(2) An enlisted man "at thy house"

(3) An enlivened man - I will keep the passover. what a privilege to entertain Jesus

(c) For a specific purpose v. 17 "to prepare the passover" i.e.

(1) The Lamb was to be purchased

(2) Slain at the temple

(3) It’s Blood poured at the base of the altar

(4) It’s Inwards offered with incense on the altar

(5) To be Roasted with fire

(6) And to be Prepared with unleavened bread, wine, and bitter herbs

2. The Participation in the Passover v. 20 Christ with His disciples (including Judas)

3. The Pattern of the Passover v. 21 "and as they did eat"

(a) The Cup of wine was blessed and drunk

(b) The Bread and herbs and roasted lamb enters with a blessing

(c) The Second cup of wine -as the feast is explained Exodus 12 v. 26 & 27

(d) The Psalms 113 & 114 -are sung before the food is eaten

(e) The Third cup of wine -the Psalms 115 & 118 are sung, before being dismissed

4. The Purpose of the Passover Exodus 12 v. 27 -" it is the sacrifice of the Lord’s passover." It is :-

(a) A picture of sacrifice "behold the lamb of God" as the Passover Lamb

(b) A picture of servitude i.e. in Egypt "when he smote the Egyptians and delivered our houses."

(c) A picture of salvation - in defeating the enemy, and in delivering the people, "and the people bowed the head and worshipped"

(d) A picture of celebration and thanksgiving

5. The Perfecting of the Passover v. 26 "and as they were eating" - in the Lord’s Supper, Christ Revealed

(a) His body was to be broken "Jesus took the bread"- it was :-

(1) Unleavened (pure)

(2) Provided (blessed)

(3) Broken

(4) Distributed (given to the disciples)

(5) Eaten "take eat"

(6) Symbolical - represents my body broken for you

(b) His blood was to be shed v. 27 "He took the cup" it was :-

(1) Pure v. 29 - fruit of the vine

(2) Provided (blessed)

(3) Poured forth

(4) Partaken of v. 27 "drink ye all of it"

(5) Prophetical v. 28 represents my blood shed for many for the remission of sins. Note:-

(A) The reality of His death - His blood was really shed

(B) The result of His death - a new covenant v. 28 a new and living way of approaching God

(C) The reason for His death "the remission of sins"


(1) The ground of remission "the blood of Christ" i.e. salvation and every other blessing is through the blood

(2) The grandeur of remission - pardon from God as our Soverign, forgiveness from God as our Father, justification from God as our Judge, and sanctification from God as our Saviour

(3) The glory of remission - a complete discharge - "my God is reconciled, his pardoning voice I hear, He owns me for His child , I can no longer fear."

(4) The grace of remission - salvation is free through the blood - Christ has the wherewithal to save to the uttermost all who come

(c) and Our birthright is to be claimed v. 29 "until that day when I drink it new in my Father’s kingdom."

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David Hudson

commented on Mar 15, 2008

This is an excellent outline that is very detailed and usable. I added the following in my message: The order of events on the night of the Passover supper appears to have been: 1) The taking by our Lord and the disciples of their places at the table. 2) The contention of who should be the greatest 3) The feet washing – John 13 Peter seems to be the focus of attention concerning this event. It was Peter that was always at the center of contention: a. in the question of forgiveness b. rebuking Jesus when Jesus told of his death and resurrection c. not wanting Jesus to wash his feet d. receiving the revelation of who Jesus was e. at the transfiguration f. when Jesus came walking on the water it was Peter who stepped out of the boat g. at the arrest of Jesus it was Peter that yielded the sword and cut off the ear of Malchus the servant of the high priest h. it was Peter that denied Jesus at his arrest i. Peter was the first person to the empty tomb j. It was Peter that Jesus first appeared according to the Apostle Paul after appearing to Mary Magdelene at the tomb k. It was Peter that Jesus gives the keys to the kingdom of God 4) The identification of Judas as the traitor 5) The withdrawal of Judas 6) The institution of the Lord’s supper 7) The words of Jesus while still in the room Matthew 26:26-29 Luke 22:35-38 John 13:31-35 John 14 8) The words of Jesus between the room and the garden Matthew 26:31-35 Mark 14:26-31 John 15, 16, 17 The prayer of John 17 was probably uttered after they reached the garden 9) The agony in the garden 10) The betrayal and arrest 11) Jesus before Caiaphas and Peter’s denial

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