
Summary: Jacob's dysfunctional family provide great lessons for families today

But God part 5

...but God

Living at the Corner of Dysfunction JCT & Family Feud LN

Genesis 31:7

1. Every Family Is Dysfunctional (Genesis 31:1-2)

? Jacob came from a dysfunctional family. (Genesis 25-27)

? Jacob married into a dysfunctional family. (Genesis 29-31)

2. God Can Function in Dysfunction (Genesis 31:3)

? Our dysfunction never stops God from functioning.

? While God is perfect and holy, He chooses to work through people who are imperfect and unholy. (1 Corinthians 1:27)

3. Growth Is Seeing God Instead of Dysfunction (Genesis 31:4-11)

? Jacob acknowledged God's presence (v. 5),

? Jacob acknowledged God's protection (v. 7),

? Jacob acknowledged God's partnership (v. 9)

? Life Lesson – Though we wish it wasn't, the church is also full of dysfunctional people. How are we to react to one another when dysfunction arises within the church? (Matthew 18:15-20; Philippians 2:1-4; James 4:7-12)

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