
Summary: Their Church life was inclusive of personal and family activities, Social gatherings, spiritual learning, and fellowship. Read this lesson to learn more...

Acts 2: 42-47 Early Christians Life Pattern

Acts 2: 42-43 Church Life

Acts 2: 44-46a Social Life

Acts 2: 46b-47 Family Life

This passage is the end of the First Part of the Acts of the Apostles. We have titled this portion (Acts 1:1-2:47) as ‘the Early Life of the Church’. The NT Church started at Jerusalem and witnessed over there. Their Church life was inclusive of personal and family activities, Social gatherings, spiritual learning, and fellowship. Here, the Author St. Luke uses a beautiful description of the lives of believers in the Acts of the Apostles. The notable thing is they were not known as Christians till we come to Antioch. So, they were known as followers of Jesus Christ.

Acts 2:42-43 Church Life

The believers devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching, and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer. Apostles were doing many wonders and miraculous signs. The congregation experienced the Spiritual atmosphere. They gave a place for fellowship, and there was a real concern about each other. Believers had a fear of apostles' words and teaching. They had respect in society for their oneness, honesty, and devotion to God. The believers met regularly with the available facilities. They did not have many forums and committees, but their only purpose was to witness for Christ. They were constructing the people and not the buildings.

Acts 2:44-46a Social Life

The words used by St. Luke, such as, had in common, sharing, and every day are so descriptive about their social life. The believers shared their possessions in common. There was a peculiar practice of putting everything together. There was a spirit of communism and oneness. They were selling their goods and properties and distributed them to the needy among them. They were bringing equality and practical spirituality for the benefit of the believing community. Scholars feel that selling of their possession and pooling all the resources for shared life was a hasty decision. They had an idea that Jesus would return soon, that is, within their lifetime. They thought the Gospel could reach everyone quickly, and they would establish a worldly kingdom under the leadership of Jesus as the King of Kings in which all things will be public.

Acts 2: 46b-47 Family Life

Family plays a vital role in building faith. The call of Abraham had the inclusive responsibility of teaching his children and generations after the fear of God. Christian parents have to bring up their children in the Christian faith. If a family built in Christ, then believers could become as one flock in Christ. So, the early congregation had emphasized and had enjoyed the fellowship of families. They confessed Christ as Lord and worshipped their savior together. Building Christian family values had played esteem place in the Greco-Roman context. It is appropriate to learn about the family systems in those cultures to understand the importance of building a family in the early church.


• Keywords in this passage and their significance.

• What do you understand by the word Apostolic Teaching?

• How the Church in Acts added believers into their fellowship.

(Please go to the series on the Acts of Apostles)

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