
Summary: This is a simple starter outline focusing on the words Jesus spake and the people Jesus spoke to from the Cross. You can build a nice sermon from these thoughts. Blessings

Introduction: Jesus had conversations with five entities.

I. His Family

A. John 19:26 - Woman, Behold thy son

B. John 19:27 - Behold thy mother

II. His Father

A. Luke 23:34 - Father forgive them…

B. Mark 15:34 - Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?

C. Luke 23:46 - Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit

III. The Lost

A. Luke 23:43 - This day though shalt be with me in paradise

B. Matthew 11:28 - Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden…

IV. Whoever would listen

A. John 19:26 - I thirst

B. John 7:37-39 - If anyone thirst let him come into me and drink of the water of life freely…

V. The Ages

A. John 19:30 - It is Finished

B. What is finished?

1. The sacrifice of Calvary

2. The devils claim on the lost

3. Satan’s destruction over your life, family, health, finances, mentality etc.

Closing: Salvation Altar Call

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