
Summary: In living for God we must make sure we do not become distracted with unneccary details. We must keep our focus on God.

I Will Live In-Between #8 Celebrate the Person Not the Production

(Luke 9:28-36)

~ Intro: Have you ever wondered what famous people are like in private as

compared to their public persona. My seeing Jerry Lewis…

1. The only way to see/know the true Jesus is through prayer.(vrs 28-31)

• Prayer is spending time with God nurturing a relationship.

- It’s more than being in the right place at the right time(3 three disciples were there yet almost missed it)

- It’s more than going through the motions

• We must come eagerly expecting to encounter God.

- Hunting with friend Steve—doesn’t expect to see deer so usually doesn’t even with others pointing them out…when he finally does, gets such bad buck fervor that completely misses chance

Unfortunately this same principle is true when relating to God…just consider what happened in our text…

2. Beware: A distracted focus can lead to disastrous decisions.(vrs 32-33)

• Peter becomes alert and sees what is happening.

- He then reacts to appearance

- How often do we do this…we see and react all the time—buying a car / kids eating food

• We, (like Peter), tend to react to the symbols and signs of God instead of responding to God Himself.

- Seeking to keep things in stasis or to recapture/relive yesterday, last week, last year (we cry don’t change the show)

- This is very evident in the history of church music (no instruments…just organ…guitar…(no drums)…adapting bar room ditties…(back to piano & organ)…then guitar…everything’s OK…etc.

However, whenever this happens God response is always the same. This response is our 3rd point…

3. God responds by redirecting us to Jesus and Him crucified.(vrs 34-36)

• God intervenes and admonishes us to listen to Jesus.

- In other words, to redirect our focus to who Jesus is and what He is saying.

- Unfortunately, many times the only way to regain our focus is to obscure or block us from what has been happening.(like talking to kids with TV on)

- Jesus had just been teaching about His ultimate mission—Calvary

- Jesus had been talking with Moses and Elijah about—Calvary

~~~ So who is the real Jesus we are to focus on ~~~

• Jesus is the Savior for all mankind.

• Consider how Jesus instructs us to celebrate communion as found in 1 Corinthians 11:23-29

- While you are turning there consider that this is how Jesus wants us to remember Him.

- Let’s read this portion of Scripture as we will be celebrating communion as we conclude our service this morning.

• 3 Things we are to do while celebrating Jesus

- Remember His suffering for our healing.

- Remember His death for our eternal life.

- Recognize our sinful state and the salvation He provided.

• Call people up to serve communion:

- Open communion…please hold emblems until all are served

- Examine yourself as emblems are passed

- Call for salvation before partaking (you may have heard for the first time in a way you understand, that you must accept Jesus as He is)

~ Savior and Lord (His way is the only way)

~ A, B, C’s of salvation

~ Conclusion:

• Today we have been reminded to celebrate Jesus…as we go throughout this week let’s look for opportunities to do this every day

• Remember we have a chance to do this week:

- Youth on Thursday, men's and women's Bible studies.

- Missions Sunday next week “Celebrating God’s Love Letter” and Mite Box Sunday.

- Get “Plugged In” to a small group. (express your interest on the communication cards)

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