
Summary: What do we do after a storm and trial

After The Crisis

Acts 27:40-44 Acts 28:1-2

In the preceding sermon we heard from God about our conduct in the crisis. We had the same command, the same crisis, the same crew, and the same cry touches the same Creator!! He stopped the storm so by the understanding of our human reasoning there clear sky’s and sun shine should prevail. We are often let down because of the cold and the present rain. Yes the storm is over but the weather is still not exactly what we would want if we could order it special.

God delivered these men only after they committed themselves to the sea. A storm is different than just rain and cold. Once your storm is over, it may still take a little time for the rain to stop and the warmth of the sun to come. We cannot control the weather but we can control our personal environment. Notice these men built a fire!

As a Christian or as a church our responsibility in a cold and rain soaked world to build a fire. After hiding from the Jews it was the Fire of Pentecost that brought the disciples shining out of the upper room. If we are aware enough of our responsibility to build a fire, it may be that we can save them that are sailing with us. (Acts 27:24 & 28:7-9)

God has obviously turned the page and is looking at our tomorrow or he would not have given me this sermon. Though you may be in the storm he is already giving instructions for how to act after the crisis.

You had better get your sticks for the fire and your dancing shoes on because God is fixing to bring you out of the crisis. Your cry has reached the ear of the one who controls the weather of the soul!

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