
Summary: The seven Churches describes one of the conditions that exist in every church. Either on fire,or cooling off; going into trouble are coming out of trouble;having a Revival or needing one;wealthy or worldly.

1. The Sincerity of Ephesus Rev:2-1


a.Christ walking in the midst as Lord

b.Commended for the works by the Lord

c.Commenced waining away from the Lord

2.The suffering of Smyrna Rev:2-8


a.Poverty -- Loss of finance

b.Prison -- Loss offamily

c.Promises-- the Lord remains faithful

3.The shamefuliness of Pergamos Rev:2-12


a.Dwelling to close to Satans seat

b.Deeds are becoming less and less

c.Doctrines are slipping from the Scriptures

4.The speculation of Thyatira Rev:2-18


a.Methods are foolish and failing

b.Morals are fouled up and fleshly

c.Missions are falling short and flimsy

5.The spark left in Sardis Rev:3-1


a.A little fire can fan into a flame

b.A little faith can be fully furnished

c.A little forgivness makes friends for ever

6.The spirit of revival in Philadelphia Rev:3-9


a. The power of the Holy Spirit

b.The preaching of the word

c.The promise of his return

7.The sad plight of Laodicea Rev:3-14


a.Worldly--no standard of righteousness

b.Wealthy---Material gains only mark progress

c.Weak in power,purity and prayer

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