
Summary: Examing the believer’s life to be transformed; understanding that God wants to have fellowship and friendship with us.

Be transformed! (You are a friend of God)

John 15:13-15


- Every day, we are challenged with the ways of this world conflicting with God’s ways

- From the news media to prime time TV to even our friends – we have to choose

- We have to choose even who we call friend; and how that applies to our lives

- This morning, I’d like us to see some encouragement in the Word of God

- In the book of John, there is a passage that really can give you encouragement to live

- God desires to have a relationship with us, and we can be strengthened by this today

- Read John 15:13-15 / Pray


- The creator desires to commune with you

- Don’t allow your witness to be sacrificed because you didn’t go when called

- You are called to be a disciple – called to LIVE and not wait for death!

- The world needs fellowship with Jesus; are you be willing to fellowship FOR the Lord

- This fellowship came at a cost; the life of the Son of God; so what do we do in return

- Because God loved you so much, He also made it clear that He wants to be around us

- Remember that Garden of Eden; God came looking for Adam, but He already knew

- We are called to be intimate with the Lord, for Him to be that ONE we go to for all


- You are a friend of God! (Repeat with me)

- The Lord’s desire is to be your inner most friend / to transform your integrity level

- Is there intimacy between you and God? (Psalm 51:6, “Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.”)

- To bring you to a place that calls you to serve because it is a desire you have

- Look how Jesus refers to us … as FRIENDS!

- APP: The creator of everything we have ever known wants to be your friend!

- Think about that close friend you have; who knows everything; closer than that

- The friendship Jesus offers gives you freedom from the troubles of this world

- It brings you closer to His Father because you are becoming more like His Son

- When you have fellowship and friendship, you will have renewal

- Renewal

- God desires you to renew yourself; for you to follow Him in friendship

- Renewal means that you change your mindset forever (Romans 12:2)

- It means that everything in you becomes focused on what He would have you do

- When there is focus and renewal in your life, we become willing to obey

- There is no delay in us, because we desire to have closeness in living for the Lord

- Fellowship, Friendship, and Renewal is the recipe for success as a believer

- It shows the entire scope of peace that Christ came to give us (John 14:27)

- From these three things, the peace of Jesus Christ centers us and flows outward

- Can we seek to have more fellowship, friendship, and renewal in our lives?

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