
Summary: As we enter this week before Pentecost, we are reminded today why Jesus told us it’s better for us that He go to the Father.

Monday of 7th week in Easter

Acts 19: 1-8/John 16: 29-33

I suspect that we are all like the early Christians, like Mary Magdalene, wanting to cling to Jesus, wanting to be able to touch him and see him and hear his voice speaking words of love and tenderness and reassurance. Especially now when the economy is in the tank and we still are subject to a deadly virus or two and there's war in Europe. But as we enter this week before Pentecost, we are reminded today why Jesus told us it’s better for us that He go to the Father. If Jesus had not gone to the Father, then that special presence of the Trinity we call the indwelling of the Holy Spirit would not be with us. We would still be powerless in the face of the world and praying for God to arise and scatter the foe.

When Paul laid his hands on the Ephesian catechumens, they received the Holy Spirit, who gave them a prayer-language and the ability to speak out in testimony to Christ. When we received the Spirit, God gave us charisms as well. In other words, we became able to do the works of Jesus in our own day and time. Jesus promised that we would do all that He did and more. By the power of the Holy Spirit we become Christ for our world.

I heard an excellent memory device the other day, one that will help us all structure our prayer after communion. It is in that period of incredible grace that we encompass Christ, body and blood, soul and divinity. Remember the letters ALTAR.

A: Adore Christ, praise Him.

L: Love Christ, and let Him expand your love for all people.

T: Thank Him for the gift that millions long for without being able to express it.

A: Ask Him for the grace to do the Father’s will. Ask Him for help for the Church, for your family.

R: Respond and resolve to make those changes that will make you more like Jesus Christ.

There is no more privileged time in our lives than the time after communion. It is a time of healing and empowerment. Let’s right now resolve to spend more time in adoration, love, thanksgiving, intercession and resolution while the Holy Spirit changes us into the image of that divine person we take into our bodies and souls. This is what the world is really waiting for, something that no election or government law can provide, the true answer to our prayer that God would arise and act--by changing our minds, hearts and motivation.

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