
Summary: The message is about being born again saved, redeemed, regenerated, whatever we may call salvation.

Born Again John 3:1-17

1. Root of Born Again

• Born again originates from God’s mercy • 1 Peter speaks of being born anew by God’s great mercy

• Born again originates as a result of the fallen nature corruption and sin corrupted the image that we were created in. Created in the image of God

• Born again came about as a result of John 3:16 God so loved the sinner or world.

• Born again speaks about giving oneself as dying. In the Book to the Romans the word speaks of dying with Jesus and rising anew (Romans 6:1-11).

• Born again Ephesians says the new man is created after God in righteousness.

2. So, what does born again mean? “you must be born again”

• You must be born again come from Greek word that means “from above” this saying has a double meaning .

• One “You must be born again," says Jesus, meaning that you must experience a time of second birth. And simultaneously he says, "You must be born from above," pointing to the place from which this new birth is generated. This is engineered by God.

• John Wesley May have called this Prevenient Grace. Grace that goes before us,

• Born again is what God does for us, in forgiving our sins; the new birth , is the great work which God does in us, in renewing our fallen nature.

3. Born again has effects

• Jesus says, `YouC must be born again.' 8The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

4. Born again gives one access to the kingdom

• Jesus said except one is born again they can Not see the kingdom of God.

• Jews taught if you was an ascendant of Abraham you were assured of heaven.

• Born again is something we can’t do for ourselves God does it. God gives us access to the kingdom

5. Born Again Creates New Life. God is interested in Life everlasting life

• One commentator said, “God so loves the world — a world that is often at odds with God's will and God's way — that he gave his only Son, "so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life"

• Martin Luther labeled John 3:16 "the gospel in miniature." God's love for us is so great that he wants us to have more than forgiveness and a second birth he wants us to have life.

• God wants Life in an eternal relationship with him,

• God wants us to have life in his everlasting kingdom,

• God wants us to have life in a place where there is no more sinning or dying, suffering or crying.

6. In conclusion, not only of the sermon but in conclusion of our life consider "Born Again".

• Born Again originates from Our Great God, our loving God Our Merciful God

• Born Again is our Must in this life

• Born again Has effects

• Born again gives us access

• Born again creates New Life not just here but over there

• Born Again is what Our Lord has engineered, a way for us to overcome sin and death, receive new birth, and live forever in a heavenly kingdom, and all God asks is that we join by believing in his Son Jesus.

Will you be Born Again?

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