
Summary: This sermon reveals how we are to be willing to empty ourselves for the cause of Christ in service to others.

Broken and Spilled Out

John 12: 1 - 8

Intro: My first visit to the Palace of Versaille in France I was overwhelmed by the extravagance. Why? Take a moment to think about what the most extravagant thing you have ever done for yourself or someone you love. Hold that thought!

I. Mary teaches us about loving the Lord. Hallmark of discipleship. Example of loving Christian. VS. 3

A. How much? – 300 denarii or about 100 dollars – great deal of money – “I love you . . . but” Love is not love if it nicely calculates the cost.

B. With what attitude? – great honor to anoint a person’s head. Mary anoints Jesus’ feet – sign of humility. – “Look at what I’ve done for you!”

C. To what extent? Wiped his feet with her hair – At the time of Jesus, no respectable woman would let her hair down in public.

II. Judas teaches about ourselves and our relationship to Jesus.

A. Judas’ perception was warped – VS. 4-5 Our sight also often depends on what is inside.

B. Jesus trusted Judas – knew how Judas was with money and trusted him to do the right thing.

C. Judas stole from money bag – (Greek = bastazein = to lift) – had a gift for handling money – temptation often comes through that for which we are naturally fitted.

III. This story teaches us great truths about love, ourselves and about life. VS. 8

A. words of Jesus sound harsh – not intended as such. – grasp the chance to do things when they come.

B. Random acts of kindness are contagious – VS 3b – “And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.”

C. “Never say in anger what you don’t mean. You can say you’re sorry; but you can’t take it back.” We are challenged to be broken and spilled out for love of our Lord.

Conclu: We must be willing to be broken and spilled out for Jesus. Once we have given our lives to Christ and seek to live as a child of God, there is no turning back. It’s like trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube when you’ve squeezed out to much. We must be willing to let our whole selves, our whole lives, our whole being be used up for the love of Christ Jesus in our hurting world.

(This sermon could also be concluded with the words to the song, "Broken and Spilled Out" written by Bill and Gloria Gaither)

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