
Summary: This sermon can be help to those who face opposition. Regardless how our adversaries attack or how much they attack, the building of the kingdom is to important to quit, waver, or compromise. If we are serving the Lord, then we are "doing a great work"


Nehemiah 6:1-5

Intro: Background of Nehemiah; The heart for the souls of men, how he mourned over the people (1:1-6)

How he yearned to return the people back to fellowship with God. (2:4-5)

How he left his comfort to serve God (1:11)

He followed God’ leading (2:18)

He had encouragement and helpers (ch.3)

He had opposition (ch.4 -6)


A. Pretend friends v.2 “let us met together”

1. Their motives are wrong

a. To stop the work of God

b. To move you away from

2. Their motives are evil

a. To harm you (eternally)

b. Ultimately to destroy

B. Actually enemies v. 2 “but they thought to do me mischief”

1. Their means seem right

2. Their means are distraction

a. from the work of God

b. from your walk with God

c. from your witness for God

II. THE BUILDING IS TO IMPORTANT v.3 I am doing a great work

A. To quit

1. funds before faith

2. feel good before faults

3. goodness before gospel

B. To waver

1. on the Word (ie. all versions the same)

2. lowering God’ standards C. Compromise

1. words without the Word

2. words without worship

3. words without sacrifice

III. THE ADVERSARIES ARE PERSISTENT v.4 &5 “four times after this sort”…”in like manner a fifth time”

A. No opposition?

1. Means your not doing anything for the kingdom

2. Your nothing for the devil worry about

B. Nothing is accomplished without opposition

C. Opposition brings assurance

1. Your work is making a difference

2. Your work is being noticed

D. better to have saved enemies than lost friends

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