
Summary: When it came time for Caleb to claim his inheritance, he remained a man of faith. He wanted the mountain where the Giants were.


Joshua 14:5-14


The men of the Bible have generally one trait in their character more prominent than another.

Moses is a man of meekness.

Abraham is the man of separation

David, the man with a heart for God.

Joseph the man of purity

John is the man of love.

Peter, the man of zeal

And Caleb - the man of Faith

Before we go into this passage let’s turn back to Numbers 13 and 14 for an introduction to this man of faith. - Caleb. (compare the faith of Joshua and Caleb with the other Ten spies)

In our text in Joshua chapter 14 I want to point out eight aspects of faith as found in Caleb’s life.

I. The Claim of Faith - Vs. 6

"He wholly followed the Lord" Seven times the Bible tells us that Caleb either "wholly" or "fully" followed the Lord. The main thing about consecration is that the will is adjusted to the will of God.

To wholly follow the Lord means that there is nothing between you and God. The Lord delights in commending those that follow the Lord.

1. The Widows mite

2. The Samaritans kindness

3. The Woman’s tears (wept at Jesus feet)

4. The faith of the Thessalonian church

5. The traits of the church at Ephesus (Rev. 2:2,3)

II. The Confession of Faith - Vs. 10

"The Lord hath kept me"

For 40 years Caleb had endured by faith the sojourn in the wilderness.

III. The Courage of Faith - Vs. 11

Caleb is ready to go to war. The same as he was 40 years ago.

Where did Caleb’s physical strength come from?

Where does our spiritual strength come from?

From walking daily with the Lord.

Vs. 12 - "Give me this mountain" Which one? The one where the giants were.

There was no life of ease for Caleb. He wanted to be where the challenges were.

V. The Company of Faith - Vs.12

Caleb felt he could do anything - be anything - and go anywhere, if only the Lord was with him.

If God is with us - Victory is sure.

VI. The Confidence of Faith - Vs. 12

"I’ll be able to drive them out" as the Lord said. Caleb had the divine promise of victory over his enemies, therefore he was confident of victory.

Self confidence is man acting without God

Faith is confidence upon the Lord.

I Samuel 17:45,46

VII. The Compensation of Faith - Vs. 13,14

Caleb is rewarded because of his faithfulness. Hebron becomes his inheritance.

"Hebron" means "Fellowship"

Fellowship with the Lord is the reward of walking with God.

VII. The Conquest of Faith - Chapter 15:14


There are three important words that relate to Christian experience

1. SURRENDER - It speaks of the fact that we must be under total submission to Christ. Our wills must be His. He must be the Lord of our lives. Everything relating to us must be utterly surrendered to His control and direction.

2. CONSECRATION - The verb "to consecrate" means "to set apart". Everything we have must be set apart for His use. Regardless of out talents and abilities, all are to used for His glory’

3. APPROPRIATION - By faith all that Christ is and has is ours if we will, by faith, take it.

First of all, God must possess us and them it is that we are in a position to possess our possessions in Him.

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James O'briant

commented on Sep 7, 2006


Roy Webb

commented on Feb 10, 2007

a very incouraging word

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