
Summary: This is the 4th sermon in the series "Wrestling With Your Faith".

Series: Wrestling With Your Faith (Habakkuk)[#4]


Habakkuk 3:1-19


1. We have heard Habakkuk’s 2 complaints and God’s 2 replies.

2. Habakkuk started in a valley, but he ended on a mountaintop.

3. Habakkuk went from watching and waiting to worshipping and witnessing.

4. How is this possible?

Habakkuk 2:4

5. Look with me at the change in Habakkuk’s attitude.

From Complaining To Praying

Habakkuk 3:1-2

3 focuses of his prayer:

1. God’s Word (Keyword: “awe”).

2. God’s Work (Keyword: “renew”).

3. God’s Wrath (Keyword: “mercy”).

From Considering To Pondering

Habakkuk 3:3-15

3 stanzas of his song:

1. God came (Habakkuk 3:3-15).

2. God stood (Habakkuk 3:6-7).

3. God marched (Habakkuk 3:8-15).

From Crying To Praising

Habakkuk 3:16-19

3 praises from his experience:

1. I will rest in God.

2. I will rejoice in God.

3. I will rely on God.


1. Focus on what God is doing!

2. Remember Who we follow.

3. Give Goad all your praise!

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