
Summary: We can only speak convincingly to someone about the God we know -- the One we spend time with. Any other god belongs in a theology book. I know the God I serve. He totally changed my life. He changed me.

We can only speak convincingly to someone about the God we know -- the One we spend time with. Any other god belongs in a theology book. I know the God I serve. He totally changed my life. He changed me.

I remember while in Tokyo observing the people going to a public outdoor "worship" area where giant statues of their gods were in place. The people actually stood in line to stand before a statue to throw their money in through a fenced in area, and then bow their head and pray. I watched intently. Strong incense was burning and smoke filled the air. Someone said the (awful) smell indicated the prayers were being heard. As the people walked away, they looked exactly the same. I didn’t see change in anyone. They walked away with the same long face that they came with. No signs of victory. No one walked away healed or changed in any way. Why would someone serve such a god that brings absolutely no change?

When we spend time with Jehovah God -- the only true God, the Creator of the stars and the heavens and the earth and all that in them is -- we can not help but be changed. When Moses came down from the mountain his face shone. The Living Bible says it like this: His face glowed from being in the presence of God. (Ex. 34:29) Moses did not have a long face after spending time with God. And, you won’t either!

When we spend time in the presence of God, we come out changed. Our behavior will change. Our attitude will change. Our speech will change. Our giving will change. Our lives change!

Someone said, Most of us are as close to God as we want to be. I believe that. If we want to get close to God, we will. We always find a way to do what we want to do. That is the truth. If we want to do something bad enough, we will do it …somehow, some way. What do we desire most in life? More money? More time? More leisure? Whatever you desire the most, if you seek it and go after it -- you will end up with it. One thing I have desired and that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple. Psalm 27:4 Each time we are with God we will be changed a little more. We have no control over this change. It just happens.

Vow to spend more time seeking His presence. Expect change to come. Expect to hear from heaven. Expect something good to happen to you. I heard Oral Roberts speak this week in Tulsa. He started his message saying, Something good is going to happen to you! A few minutes with God when he was a young man brought him healing from tuberculosis. He was changed. A few minutes in God’s presence can do more for you than weeks or even years of theology. Remember Saul on the Road to Damascus? CHANGED in a matter of minutes into Paul the Apostle! God bless you.

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