
Summary: Suitable for funeral for elderly Godly man who endured hardships in his life.

Mr.________ would fully identify with the Psalmist

in that in his lifetime he was tested, and he would

agree that he walked through the "fire and water"

but he would also testify that God has now brought

him to a place of abundance (Heaven).

What characteristics did Mr._________have that

would enable him to give such a testimony?

I. He was a man of HUMILITY

a. very tenderhearted, humble, unassuming

b. behind the scenes was his favorite place to work

II.He was a man of HUMOR

a. he knew that "a merry heart doeth good like

a medicine" and he coped with his difficulties

with the medicine of humor.

b. Many humorous stories he told...(share some

with the congregation at this point).

III.He was a man of HELPFULNESS

a. Always willing to lend a hand...helping

others (many anonymously) in many different


b. Many of you have said "_____influenced my

life greatly...he helped me so much."

IV.He was a man of HOPE

a. His testimony of his faith in Jesus Christ

b. His hope (guaranteed assurance) enabled

him to face his last days with confidence

that something better awaited him across

on the other side.

c. He hoped in the Lord.

Yes, Mr.________ was tested, had burdens here

and walked through the fire and the water...

but we can rest assured GOD has now brought

him to a place of ABUNDANCE...and he is now

at REST, experiencing RELIEF from suffering,

and is REUNITED with the many that preceeded

him in death who knew Jesus.

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