
Summary: Christmas Message

Christmas Message


Luke 2:15-20,

Luke 1:1-14.

My dear sisters and brothers,

I would like to share my Christmas message that surrounds with Christ’s birth.

It has two purposes:

1. Celebrating Ordinary, &

2. Sharing Our Life.

1. Celebrating Ordinary:

Look around Christ’s birth.

We will find many ordinary places, ordinary things, and ordinary people.

It was an ordinary day, ordinary time and ordinary life.

The ordinary place is the dirtiest place.

The ordinary thing is the smelling manger.

The ordinary people are Joseph and Mary, and shepherds.

It was an ordinary winter travel day.

It was an ordinary silent night time.

It was an ordinary birth of a child.

These all happened in silence.

This is the silence that changed the events of history in the world.

We may experience ordinaries today in our lives.

We may live in an ordinary place, with ordinary things and with ordinary people.

In spite of all these ordinaries, God will take us to His purpose.

That is the promise, given by our God by celebrating His Son’s birth.

It doesn’t mean that I don’t do anything and just wait for God’s time to achieve my purpose.

Regardless of God’s time, I try my best and I use my capacity to change the world around me by doing good like Jesus with values of the Kingdom of God.

So, celebrate ordinary in your life. Don’t ignore anything, even small events to proclaim God’s love and care.

???? ?????????? ??? ????? ??????. It means that even a small ordinary place, things, people, day, time can change our lives.

Everything aids in life.

Everything is good, for the one who believes in God.

2. Sharing Our Life:

The Son of God would have decided to be born as a son of a king.

It would have been easy for Him to achieve His purpose.

But, he chose to be born as an ordinary human being experiencing all kinds of struggles, difficulties, pains in his life, in his parents’ life and in his social life.

That is the reason, Jesus could understand the emotions of people easily and to reach out to them in love.

It was easy for him to relate with all kinds of people, without discriminating anyone in his life.

He knows what we go through in our lives too because he has experienced everything of us in his life.

We remember him even after two thousand years, because still he identifies himself with us in our sadness and happiness.

This was the thought of God and we are here to share that life.

Yes, dear sisters and brothers...Jesus shares our life with his life. We are also called to identify with our neighbours like Christ Jesus in our lives.

This is my Christmas message for each one of you.

Let us celebrate our ordinary life and let us share our life with one and all, glorifying our God through our way of life.

Wish you all A Happy and purpose filled Christmas.

May the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all. Amen...

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