
Summary: A sermon for communion

Concerning The Lord’s Supper

1 Cor 11:18-30

I. Examination Before Participation. Vs. 28-30

Before the passover meal was observed, the house where the meal was eaten had to be throughly examined to make sure that no leaven was present in the house. What is leaven ? It was leftover dough from a previous baking that would have become corrupted by fermentation. It represented corruption, and sin. Not one crumb was to be left in the house !

Before partaking of the Lord’s supper, we should examine ourselves throughly, and be certain that all the leaven has been removed. If there is sin in our life, then we need to confess it to the Lord.

A person who partakes of the Lord’s supper unworthily is guilty of the body and blood of Jesus, and may fall under the judgment of God. Paul tells the church that some have died, and some are sick because of this very reason ! V.27

Some of the sins that were plaguing the church at Corinth, and affecting their observance of the Lord’s supper were.........

a. divisions in the church. V18

b. doctrinal error in the church V 19

c. drunkeness in the church. V21

II. Explanation Of Participation. Vs 23-25

Why participate and partake of the Lord’s supper ?

The Lord Jesus instituted it. Paul received it of the Lord, and delivered it to the church as well.

a. By partaking of the bread, we are remembering his body which suffered for us.

b. By partaking of the cup, we are remembering his blood which was shed for us.

III. The Exclaimation Of Participation. V26

The keeping of the Lord’s supper is not only for our remembrance, but it is also a witness of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. V26 "For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till he come.

The word "show" is translated elsewhere in the N.T. as "preached", "teach", "spoken of", "declaring".

IV. The Expectation Of Participation. V26

"till he come"

When we participate in, and partake of the Lord’s supper, we are not only looking back to the cross, but we are looking forward to his coming again !

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