
Summary: Third message in a series of nine messages from Colossians. Deals with overcoming sin.

Sermon by: Dr. Todd Morris

Text: Colossians 1:13-17

Title: Delivered from Darkness

Date: July 21, 2002

Introduction: This morning we looked at the fact that we are heirs of the King through our faith. We saw that faith is the key to every promise of God. This evening I want us to key on another benefit of faith. Not only does faith make us heirs to all that God has, but faith sets us free from the darkness of this world.

John 8:32 tells us, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Looking just a little further we see in John 8: 36, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

The power of darkness is a tremendous obstacle to our freedom. Satan seeks to blind us from the truth in order to keep us from seeing who we are in Christ Jesus, and what we can accomplish in the power of Christ Jesus.

Let’s look at three things tonight concerning darkness and our deliverance from it.


A. Darkness speaks of sin.

1. Men love darkness (sin) more than light (righteousness). (John 3:19)

2. The reason is that men’s deeds are evil and we don’t want to see anything wrong in anything that we do.

B. Sin holds many people in bondage.

1. Our sins blind us and intensifies the darkness.

2. Those who are wise will avoid the works of darkness. (Eph. 5:11)

C. The power of sin flows from the rulers of darkness.

1. Believers are in conflict with these rulers (Eph. 6:12).

2. Our Lord equips us to win this battle (Eph. 6:10-18)

D. Christ is the light and light always overcomes darkness.

E. Those who walk in Chris walk in the light.


A. We have been redeemed. That word means bought back.

B. Deliverance from bondage calls for praise.

C. We have been delivered not only from the power of sin but also from the penalty of sin.

D. Our deliverance includes forgiveness of past sins.

1. The old account is settled!

2. Nothing can be brought up against the redeemed.

F. The promise of deliverance was given in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:15).

G. The payment for deliverance was made at Calvary!


A. The image of the invisible God. (God made flesh)

B. All things were made by Him.

1. C.I. Scofield puts it this way, “Christ, as the eternal Son, holds the priority.

2. As the creator of all things, He is above all things.

3. He has triumphed over all things.

4. The power of darkness cannot stand against Him.

Conclusion: In Christ our deliverance is sure, and we can rest our faith in this perfect deliverer.

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