
Summary: Christians are expected to do good things all the time, everywhere and any given life’s situation.


Why policeman is always expected to catch bad people? Why is a school teacher is always expected to teach students? Why is a doctor is always expected to treat sick people? These people are expected to do what they supposed to be doing because that’s the very meaning of their professions (Police, Teacher, and Doctor).

And that what we are also, Christians, we are expected to do good things all the time, everywhere and any given life’s situation. Apostle Paul said in 1:1, “…what we have is the knowledge of truth that leads to godliness (also in 2:11-14)”. But how can we do that?

Christians can devote themselves in doing what is good by resolving to…

I. BE A GOOD CITIZEN, 1-2 (1 Peter 2:12-13)

Though we are already citizens of heaven or under the higher order and are free men already (1 Peter 2:16), we are still to be good citizens of any country, city and community. Therefore, we are to …

A. Be a good subject to rulers and authority

We are to continue to give proper accord to our leaders, in respect to their positions. We are to pay our taxes. We are to obey the laws, ordinances and etc. We are to express our sentiments within the parameter of the laws.

The same thing we need to do with our employers. The best that we can do for them as expression of our obedience to our duty is to pray for all of them.

B. Be a good neighbor to all men (even to strangers; like Naomi in the Book of Ruth)


A. Be sure of your salvation (show me your faith and I’ll show you my works)

We need to be sure of our faith. We need to check our knowledge about the Lord. Do we know Him the way He is being presented by the Bible? How do we receive our salvation? How the gospel is presented to us?

B. Be careful of your deeds (Wisdom in every action)

A good Christian shows his faith through his works (faith at works).

III. BE A GOOD COMRADE (in the Lord), 9-11

A. Be a deterrent (Godless chatters or “chizmackers”), 1 Peter 2:15

• They must be silenced (2:1)

• Teach them what is accord in sound doctrine

• Teach them to self-controlled, 2:5-6

• Teach them not to talk back, 2:9

Illustration: Stop! ‘Here comes Father Don…”

B. Be cautious of the divisive people (Give advice to divisive person or critical people)

• Divisive are always the trouble makers, whether they are still inside the church or outside the fellowship already

• That what they are, they are not happy if they will just agree with the others—but they will agree to disrupt unity

IV. BE A GOOD CO-WORKER (in the Lord’s work), 12-15

“Every member is a minister”

A. Be a helper whenever you can, 12-13

Note: Personal acquaintance with Paul and his ministry

B. Be a motivator for other believers, 14-15


What we do is what we are. That’s how we project our identity of being in Christ. The way we live is the way people read our faith. That is how the Lord gave us power the kind of life that is expected to us. The world, our country, our city, our community need people like. Christians like you and me has to live better and promote goodness among our people so unbelieving people will still see hope. And hopefully, they will see the need to have Christ in heir hearts, too. DEVOTE YOURSELF IN DOING WHAT IS GOOD.

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