
Summary: Is there room for God in your life?

I. Sometimes in our lives we get distracted by the things around us. Not on purpose it just happens that way sometimes. We get caught up in the things that we do in life, and sometimes we forget about God.

II. Anything that we place before God is not a good thing. It is not a good thing because God has told us, that he does not want anything before him. Anything that we place before God, we worship it or them.

III.We should stay away from things that causes us to place before God. They then become idols, and God does not want you and I to have idols in our life. The only idol we should have in our life is God. The one that created you and I, the one that blesses us daily, and proctects us every single day that we are alive.

IV. If you have placed anything before God, or something as become your idol, you can ask God for his forgiveness, grace and mercy today. Let us remember that God is a forgiving God. God does not forgive you and I because he has too, he does so because he loves us!

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