
Summary: Worry is a sin. How do I stop it? This simple message demonstates how to practically drop your worries.

I Peter 5:5-10

Intro: Have everyone print on a piece of paper their #1 worry, problem they are currently facing. This is something they think about everyday. (Do not give details/names/incidences that anyone could recognize this as your problem.) Have them fold them in two and hold for now.

Context is guidance to pastors/spiritual elders in verse 1-4. Verse 5 starts with guidance to people.

“be subject to one another…” hupotasso = place under, a dependent position. Recognize we are in need of one another.

Pride will keep you from getting to know people here you need to know. God has a plan for your life and some of it includes you taking down your walls you have placed around you that keep people at bay.

“be clothed with humility” = practically what is this?

1. Realize your true self. – Don’t think too high or low of yourself.

2. Reject your pride which results in action. Be prepared to serve in any way the Lord provides opportunity.

“God resists the proud” = God opposes, or sets up His armies to bring you down. This means God is actively opposing you when you become proud.

God” gives grace to the humble”= favor from God.

Verse 6. Can you humble yourself? How?

What is the mighty hand of God?

Notice when God may exalt you or promote you with blessing? “Due time” = not chronos or succession of moments but associated with good opportunity and perfect timing God will make things happen for you.

To show you really believe this, God says for you to do something in verse 7.

“Cast” = throw upon. “all your care” = distractions.

Normal anxiety = for safety, survival.

Moderate anxiety = work /pay bills/health.

Excessive anxiety = upset, worried, uptight, outburst anger, frustration.

Ps. 55:22 “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee…” This is once and for all decision that requires constant reaffirmation.

“He careth for you” = concerned and interested, it matters to God.

Ill. Fold up your care and cast it in this box.

Expound on verses 8-10.

Ill. Pass the box around and have everyone who put in a care to take someone else’s care upon them. Now pray for that person to find peace and guidance. Know that someone is praying for you too.

After you have prayed cast this concern back in the box.

As you leave take a poster for your refrigerator, “Good morning this is God. I will be handling all your problems today so leave them with me and have a great time today. Trust me to let you know if you are to do anything about them. Remember how blessed you are and be thankful at all times. Realize there are people all around you who would love to trade problems with you. Be a blessing to them.”

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