
Summary: He is our Provider! Remember that. Give Him the best clap offering! He is the Loveliest and the BEST!

Ever-present Helper!

Psalms 46:1”God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.”

Even if I just look at her, she would know my need, and bang it would be there on my table; if I needed tea in the middle of the night or in the wee hours of the day, I can depend on her to give it to me. She was my maid for 14 long years! I named her Ruth! She got saved and got water baptized after coming to our home; she took care of my son, kitchen and my home for 14 long years! Imagine! She was witness to all that happened in our life; when I was arranging for her marriage, the thought that kept ringing in my mind was:’ now, what do I do?’ I kept pushing it aside! Just around that time, a young girl from my church started getting close to me and she also joined our Abide School as a volunteer –little did I know, she would be my ‘next’ helper! Hurray! God doesn’t forget you! This girl (second helper) came early in the morning, helped the Abide Home kids and also helped me in my work. Now, I was used to hearing the voice of my second helper 24/7 – all the time. She was an all-rounder in our ministry! Suddenly one day she called to say that she was sick and she slowly faded away day by day. This was like missile attack! Not the work part of it, but I was emotionally missing her! No more calls! No more of her running up and down supervising the children! Just around this time, suddenly there appeared a ‘third’ angel who joined our school as a volunteer! She is a highly qualified Engineer who volunteered to teach and be with our Abide School children. Her name is Christy! Suddenly one day, I saw her carrying the big vessel of food along with the cook! She not only teaches but also serves food! She squats on the floor along with the children and teaches them, spends her own money and gets them books and stationery. I was moved!

Now I know, any time the third helper could also move; yet, someone else would be arranged when that happens! Are you listening? Glory to Jesus! He is our Provider! Remember that. Give Him the best clap offering! He is the Loveliest and the BEST!

Let this message fall all over you like Living Water and remove every angst, fear, worry, anxiety and insecurity, just trust God who will ‘move’ at the right time. What are you terrified about? Tell me. Are you stuck in a foreign land and you worry about your needs, be assured of His help, if you trust Him wholeheartedly! What is your problem today – big or small; whatever, I repeat, whatsoever, He can do it for you! My daughter’s passport was not being released because of want of some important papers and also our move to another State was causing severe problems. It looked dead! We were running pillar to post, we were humiliated, we were exhausted and we wondered what do we do! Suddenly one day, an officer looked at the person who was dealing with our issue and said, ‘why are you delaying in issuing her birth certificate, they have given all docs, release it ‘today’, and we got a color printout on that ‘day’ itself. Shortly, my daughter got her passport effortlessly! He is our ever-present help!

The author David has every reason to write this scripture powerfully because he has tasted God’s provision in the desert, wilderness and in caves!

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