
Summary: Moses steps to the challenge of being the leader of God’s people.

Exodus Executive

Exodus 12:43-14

I. Emerging Leader

A. Exodus

1. Out of Egypt (12:35)

2. In the desert with God


B. Spiritual

1. Passover (12:43-51)

2. Consecration of 1st born (13:1-16)

II. Reassuring Leader

A. People weren’t completely trusting

1. Long route (13:17-18)

2. Pursued by Egyptians (14:5-9)

3. Stuck at Red Sea (14:10-12)

B. Moses assures them of God’s faithfulness

C. God assures Moses

1. Earlier promises (3:7-10; 14:1-4)

2. A gentle reminder

(13:4-5,11; 14:15-18)

III. Proven Leader

A. God, through Moses, divided the Red Sea


1. The Israelites passed through on

dry ground.

2. God ran interference for them.

3. He flushed the Egyptians.

B. God, through Moses, led the Israelites to

the Promised Land (32:48-52)

Lessons to be learned:

1. Spiritual leader’s aren’t born or elected

by the church. They are called and

developed in the power and grace of God.

2. Evil is always lurking!

3. Following God, however, leads us to

greater things. (Like the Promised Land)

4. Monumental accomplishments by our

standards are child’s play by God’s.

5. God is faithful!

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